javascript Programming Glossary: childl
Add content to a new open window .ready function var output data var OpenWindow child.html mywin '' OpenWindow.dataFromParent output dataFromParent is.. output dataFromParent is a variable in child.html OpenWindow.init script in child.html script type text javascript.. is a variable in child.html OpenWindow.init script in child.html script type text javascript var dataFromParent function init..
Waiting for child window loading to complete var w function loadChild w w.location.href child.html block until child has finished loading... how w.doSomething.. window. a href javascript loadChild Click me a . body child.html html head title Child title head script type text javascript.. the newly opened window is same origin var w 'child.html' w.addEventListener 'load' w.doSomething true share improve..
Close iframe cross domain 1000 script head body iframe name someId id someId src child.html height 800 width 600 foo iframe body html child.html html head.. src child.html height 800 width 600 foo iframe body html child.html html head script type text javascript setTimeout function window.parent.location.hash..
Detect when iframe is cross-domain, then bust out of it 100 script head body iframe name myFrame id myFrame src child.html style height 50 width 50 onload checkForCross iframe body html..
Avoiding pollution of globals via iframe script loader? Parent with iframe iframe id help_frame src http localhost child.html onLoad javascript Help.import_functions this iframe script var..