javascript Programming Glossary: circuit
JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation assignment share improve this question See short circuit evaluation for the explanation. It's a common way of implementing..
How to short circuit Array.forEach like calling break? to short circuit Array.forEach like calling break 1 2 3 .forEach function el.. of the callbacks executed in array order return true short circuiting the execution of the rest. some its inverse every which will..
What does this construct (x = x || y) mean? you don't need to check b at all. This is called short circuit boolean evaluation so var title title Error basically checks..
Javascript conditional order evaluation share improve this question Yes this is known as short circuit evaluation . With an AND logical operator if the first evaluates..
&& operator in Javascript method on it. The code takes advantage of boolean short circuiting to ensure the first expression evaluates to true before executing.. to true before executing the second. See the short circuit evaluation wikipedia entry for a more in depth explanation...
Does PHP support conjunction and disjunction natively? share improve this question PHP supports short circuit evaluation a little different from JavaScript's conjunction... the example even if it isn't good practice of using short circuit evaluation to test the result of a MySQL query in PHP mysql_query.. mysql_query some faulty query die Error Note that short circuit evaluation works when in PHP when there is an expression to..