javascript Programming Glossary: city
Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picure long lat to pixel x y on a given picure I have a city map for example Moscow . She in accuracy repeats the contours.. Moscow . She in accuracy repeats the contours the given city in google maps that is it is copied from google maps and it.. remained the same . Also I have object co ordinates in a city in geographic coordinates . Problem how to convert geographic..
Get country from latitude longitude open to use of Google Maps JavaScript API. Can I also get city and zip Edit My aim is fill up the address field automatically..
Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction? certain region. Groups Some fields are groups like address city state zip and should only be validated when all of the fields..
Determine timezone from latitude/longitude without using web services like an R Tree implementation to efficiently lookup the nearest city or rather its timezone to a given coordinate IIRC it took less..
Easiest way to get city name using geolocation? way to get city name using geolocation I managed to get the user's latitude.. var long position.coords.longitude I want to display the city name it seems the only way to get it is to use a reverse geolocation.. json latlng ' lat ' ' long ' sensor true to displaying the city name on the page. I know it must be very simple. How do I do..
How to sort an array of objects by multiple fields? Using this slightly adapted structure how would I sort city ascending then price descending var homes h_id 3 city Dallas.. sort city ascending then price descending var homes h_id 3 city Dallas state TX zip 75201 price 162500 h_id 4 city Bevery Hills.. h_id 3 city Dallas state TX zip 75201 price 162500 h_id 4 city Bevery Hills state CA zip 90210 price 319250 h_id 6 city Dallas..
Sorting an array of JavaScript objects using Ajax and stored them in an array var homes h_id 3 city Dallas state TX zip 75201 price 162500 h_id 4 city Bevery Hills.. h_id 3 city Dallas state TX zip 75201 price 162500 h_id 4 city Bevery Hills state CA zip 90210 price 319250 h_id 5 city New.. city Bevery Hills state CA zip 90210 price 319250 h_id 5 city New York state NY zip 00010 price 962500 How do I create a function..
Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates to X Y Co ordinates I have the Lat Long value of New York City NY 40.7560540 73.9869510 and a flat image of the earth 1000px..
Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery Address chetpet FirstName arulmani Id 1 LastName sathish City chennai Address ramapuram FirstName raj Id 2 LastName nagu City.. chennai Address ramapuram FirstName raj Id 2 LastName nagu City chennai Address ramapuram FirstName raj Id 2 LastName nagu City.. chennai Address ramapuram FirstName raj Id 2 LastName nagu City chennai Address ramapuram FirstName ramaraj Id 3 LastName rajesh..
How to populate a cascading Dropdown with JQuery with HTML an JS and there are two Dropdowns Country and City . now i want to make these two dynamic with JQuery so that only..
Google Maps API v3 - IP-based Geolocation database published some statistics on its database GeoIP City Accuracy for Selected Countries Q2 The only way to get the geolocation.. that any other geolocation database like MaxMind GeoLite City is more accurate for your country you may want to do the geolocation..
Programatic Accent Reduction in JavaScript (aka text normalization or unaccenting) london cafe because it would mark Jack London Cabin Dawson City Canada as Ja b ck b b London b b ca b bin Dawson b Ci b ty b..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? string Address1 public string Address2 public string City public string State public string Zip public AddressClassification.. data Address Address1 123 Main Street Address2 null City New York State NY Zip 10000 AddressClassification null dataType.. request Address Address1 123 Main Street Address2 suite 20 City New York State NY Zip 10000 AddressClassification null ' This..
How do I get jQuery to select elements with a . (period) in their ID? class Address public string Street1 get set public string City get set public String ZipCode get set public String State get.. Html.TextBox Name br Street Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode.. Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode br Sate select id Address.State..
Send json data with jquery json data with jquery Why code below sent data as City Moscow Age 25 instead of JSON format var arr City 'Moscow' Age.. data as City Moscow Age 25 instead of JSON format var arr City 'Moscow' Age 25 .ajax url Ajax.ashx type POST data arr dataType.. Here's the correct way to send a JSON request var arr City 'Moscow' Age 25 .ajax url 'Ajax.ashx' type 'POST' data JSON.stringify..
Select All Checkbox Reference # th th Client Name th th Property Address th th City th th State th th Zip th th Inspection Date th php while row..
Set content of iframe span Country page_country State page_state span p page City page_city Page Pincode page_pincode p a href mailto page_email.. span Country page_country State page_state span p page City page_city Page Pincode page_pincode p a href mailto page_email..