javascript Programming Glossary: channel
Send response to all clients except sender ( this is a test sending to all clients in 'game' room channel except sender 'game' .emit 'message' 'nice.. 'nice game' sending to all clients in 'game' room channel include sender 'game' .emit 'message' 'cool game'..
The view is not updated in AngularJS This is my service angular.service 'Channel' function var channel null return init function channelId clientId var that this .. 'Channel' function var channel null return init function channelId clientId var that this channel new goog.appengine.Channel.. return init function channelId clientId var that this channel new goog.appengine.Channel channelId var socket
HTML5 Canvas drawImage ratio bug iOS There are side issues when scaling images with alpha channel as it uses the alpha channel for the issues detection and when.. scaling images with alpha channel as it uses the alpha channel for the issues detection and when trying to resize existing..
Unescape HTML entities in Javascript? guess is that the HTML is being escaped over the XML RPC channel. How can I unescape the string in Javascript I tried the techniques..
Optimize website for touch devices haven't supported them but the latest Google Chrome on dev channel enabled touch events even for non touch devices . And I suspect..
Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page or reloading the page I either dreamt about chrome dev channel implementing a way to update the address bar via javascript..
var self = this? to JavaScript in general. The core problem is how to channel a variable in embedded functions. This is the example var abc..
Detect “overall average” color of the picture At first glance there can use the histogram of the image channel RGB . Supplement at work I use mostly JavaScript and PHP a little..
Defer Attribute (Chrome) Chrome and Safari very soon it's already in the Chrome dev channel but it's a bit buggy . We're still waiting for Opera to implement..
How to use redis PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE with nodejs to notify clients when data values change? subscribe.subscribe 'pubsub' listen to messages from channel pubsub subscribe.on message function channel message client.send.. messages from channel pubsub subscribe.on message function channel message client.send message client.on 'message' function msg.. don't see anything but PubSub as title . But on publish to channel pubsub you should see a message. Below we publish Hello world..
Where are constructors such as, `new Image()` and `new Option()`, documented? Found using http search client ubuntu channel fs q constructor site 2Fhtml5 ie utf 8 oe utf 8..
How to make a browser to browser (peer to peer) connection? [closed] is supporting WebRTC as well . It can be uses in the Dev channel Windows OSX Linux and the Canary build Windows and OSX by enabling..
How to run user-submitted scripts securely in a node.js sandbox? features you need especially child_process.fork . The IPC channel provided by child_process.fork probably has better performances...
The view is not updated in AngularJS any ideas to fix this This is my service angular.service 'Channel' function var channel null return init function channelId clientId.. clientId var that this channel new goog.appengine.Channel channelId var socket socket.onmessage function.. App.Controllers.ParticipantsController. inject ' xhr' 'Channel' View div ng controller App.Controllers.ParticipantsController..
Do websockets allow for p2p (browser to browser) communication? and API is making rapid progress and allows a Data Channel to be established between two peers you still may need a STUN..
Facebook get access Token App ID channelUrl ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html' Channel File status true check login status cookie true enable cookies..
Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully? App ID channelUrl ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html' Channel File status true check login status cookie true enable cookies.. App ID channelUrl ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html' Channel File status true check login status cookie true enable cookies..
How can I send data to Chrome extension? 200 token xhr.responseText channel new goog.appengine.Channel token socket handler POST http ting.. 200 token xhr.responseText channel new goog.appengine.Channel token socket handler POST http ting.. extension share improve this question You can use the Channel API to accomplish this. Request a token at the same time you..
FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init() error in console App ID channelURL ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html' Channel File status true check login status cookie true enable cookies..
Having issue with Firefox 8 for Mac: is undefined appId 'my_app_id' App ID channelURL 'my_channel_file' Channel File status true check login status cookie true enable cookies..
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access a frame when using secure browsing on Facebook ' App ID channelUrl ' channel.php' Channel File status false Check login status cookie true Enable cookies.. ' App ID channelUrl ' channel.php' Channel File status false Check login status cookie true Enable cookies..