javascript Programming Glossary: cgi
Javascript: Listing File and Folder Structure and folders say on client's or server's C drive than would CGI script be the only solution javascript html5 web applications..
Cross-browser implementation of “HTTP Streaming” (push) AJAX pattern server flush BTW. how to force server flush from within CGI script in Perl . Example code on Ajaxpatterns deals with this..
Dealing with incremental server response in AJAX (in JavaScript) in burst and time and size of each burst is unpredictable. CGI script in Perl that streams command output to web browser to.. questions about this problem. Note server side is done as CGI script in Perl and I would prefer to see also solution without..
Is native PHP support for Web Sockets available? server runs. Normally PHP runs in Apache Nginx via FastCGI or on Microsoft ISS via Fast CGI . With Apache and IIS this.. in Apache Nginx via FastCGI or on Microsoft ISS via Fast CGI . With Apache and IIS this may be a problem as it's not really..
What JavaScript library should I use for parsing URL parameters? the parameters I would ordinarily call GET parameters or CGI parameters but in this case the page is basically submitting.. not a server so there is no GET request and definitely no CGI program. I've seen a number of routines on the net that I can..
Within a web browser, is it possible for JavaScript to obtain information about the SSL Certificate being used for the current page? obtaining this information such as ActiveX Java CGI on the server side ... javascript browser ssl certificate ssl..
Are there JavaScript bindings for MySQL? in Firefox. Does such a library exist To be very clear CGI Ajax will not work Some background I want to create something..
Can I lookup the IP address of a hostname from javascript? to look up hostnames for you. I recommend hosting a cgi bin which looks up the ip address of a hostname and access that..
I have to refresh the page for my Greasemonkey script to run? CurrentJob.cktid ' address 'http cgi bin QC DSL telephoneNum ' address mydiv.textContent..
JavaScript: how to force Image() not to use the browser cache? rx var ry var i myimg new Image myimg.src 'http ohm 8080 cgi bin nextimg' rx Math.floor Math.random 100 10 ry Math.floor.. rx ry window.setTimeout draw 0 myimg.src 'http ohm 8080 cgi bin nextimg' You can also just pass draw as an argument to setTimeout..
How to use prettify with blogger/blogspot? this just paste your code in here http cgi bin you can put the top code in your HTML layout..
Close iframe cross domain to the Clipper application here http cgi clipper I can make the iframe appear in another website cross..
How to cancel an image load after a period of time? Attempt to retrieve the resource. src https cgi bin pullimg.cgi user encodeURI document.cookie which pulls a.. the resource. src https cgi bin pullimg.cgi user encodeURI document.cookie which pulls a user specific resource... then you call it like this loadImage https cgi bin pullimg.cgi user encodeURI document.cookie http