javascript Programming Glossary: charstr
keycode and charcode evt window.event var charCode evt.which evt.keyCode var charStr String.fromCharCode charCode alert charStr If you're interested.. evt.keyCode var charStr String.fromCharCode charCode alert charStr If you're interested in detecting a non printable key such as..
Need to set cursor position to the end of a contentEditable div, issue with selection and range objects Add character mappings here function convertCharToGreek charStr return greekChars charStr Greek function insertTextAtCursor.. here function convertCharToGreek charStr return greekChars charStr Greek function insertTextAtCursor text var sel range textNode.. evt.which undefined evt.keyCode evt.which if charCode var charStr String.fromCharCode charCode var greek convertCharToGreek charStr..
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? and selectionEnd function transformTypedChar charStr return a g .test charStr charStr.toUpperCase charStr document.getElementById.. function transformTypedChar charStr return a g .test charStr charStr.toUpperCase charStr document.getElementById your_input_id.. transformTypedChar charStr return a g .test charStr charStr.toUpperCase charStr document.getElementById your_input_id .onkeypress..