javascript Programming Glossary: cb
Implementing Google Translate with custom flag icons script src translate_a element.js cb googleTranslateElementInit type text javascript script Flag..
node.js shell command execution printed to the console... function run_cmd cmd args cb var spawn require 'child_process' .spawn var child spawn cmd.. args var me this child.stdout.on 'data' function me data cb me data foo new run_cmd 'dir' ' B' function me data me.stdout.. prototype of that model works... function try_this cmd cb var me this cb me cmd bar new try_this 'guacamole' function..
AngularJS 1.1.3 $resource callback (error and success) update method 'PUT' Project.prototype.update function cb return Project.update id this._id. oid . promise.then success.. something with error Project.prototype.destroy function cb return Project.remove id this._id. oid . promise.then success..
DOM Exception 12 for window.postMessage script to inject into the page. var injectJS function url cb var h document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 s document.createElement.. 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src url if cb s.onload cb h.appendChild s injectJS chrome.extension.getURL.. 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src url if cb s.onload cb h.appendChild s injectJS chrome.extension.getURL 'script do_something.js'..
Unzip files using JavaScript RegExp n g br # id .html content #status .append extract cb entry entryName id id br '#report' .accordion 'destroy' '#report'..
mouse click somewhere else on page (not on a specific div) guess it's plugin time function .fn.outside function ename cb return this.each function var this this self this document.body.. tempo e if self .contains self cb.apply self e if self.parentNode document.body .unbind ename..
flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series #overviewLegend labelFormatter function label series var cb ' input type checkbox name ' label ' checked checked id id'.. ' label ' checked checked id id' label ' ' label return cb series points show true lines show true grid hoverable..
.prop() vs .attr() are two possible pieces of valid HTML to do this input id cb type checkbox checked input id cb type checkbox checked checked.. HTML to do this input id cb type checkbox checked input id cb type checkbox checked checked So how do you find out if the.. and you'll commonly find the following suggestions if #cb .attr checked true ... if #cb .attr checked checked ... if #cb..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact options .PLUGIN_NAME methodName elem elem elem elem2 ... cb function success callback further options All parameters are.. create elem op hash return .when.apply defs .then hash.cb expose publicly. Object.defineProperties methods _Wrap get.. _map return create this op hash .toArray call the cb when were done and return the deffered. return .when.apply defs..
In JQuery, Is it possible to get callback function after setting new css rule?