javascript Programming Glossary: charm
Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin on apache conf or htaccess file it just work like a charm EDIT From the comments this is an important note the wildcard..
Why is window (and unsafeWindow) not the same from a userscript as from a <script> tag? when I used this little trick everything worked like a charm No more call to main and var script document.createElement script..
Detect click outside element? the menu item. event.stopPropagation This works like a charm unfortunately when another menu item is open and a second is..
Why does appending a <script> to a dynamically created <iframe> seem to run the script in the parent page?
Benefits of using `Object.create` for inheritance object to Dog's prototype and everything works like a charm var dog1 new Dog dog1.print prints 'Dog' dog1.bark prints 'bark'..
Google Analytics to track FireFox extension use and extensions with Google Analytics. Works like a charm. Usage is as simple as gaTrack 'UA 123456' '' '..
IE has empty document.referrer after a location.replace I used the workaround to make this function. Works like a charm. script type text javascript function redirect url if MSIE d..
Use CSS (and maybe JavaScript) to make an element be square (or maintain a specific aspect ratio)
How to “enable” HTML5 elements in IE that were inserted by AJAX call?
HTML Drag And Drop On Mobile Devices
How could I change window's location without reloading and # hack? I disabled Flash and still works like a charm. Judging from the coverage in chrome 8 dev and firefox 4 beta..
Trigger an event with Prototype needs. I've used this several times and it works like a charm. It allows you to manually trigger native events such as click..
Forcing an OpenLayers Markers layer to draw on top, and having selectable layers beneath and removed the call to moveLayerToTop and it works like a charm. EDIT I ended up adding this code to a js file outside the OL..
JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page me this only works in chrome. But there it works like a charm. Here's the fiddle http nikita_turing jVKw6 3 With..
changing source on html5 video tag share improve this question Modernizr worked like a charm for me. What I did is that I didn't use source . Somehow this..
Using PUT/POST/DELETE with JSONP and jQuery like jQuery and involes some 'manual' work but it has the charm If you're a keen fan of ready made libraries you can also check..
Insert link in contenteditable element can format the text. Up to now everything works like a charm. Next thing i want is that users can add a hyperlink in the..
Is there really no way to expose the prototype of a html element in IE (<8)? html elements using their prototype. This works like a charm in non ie browsers. Example code can be found @ jsbin see page..
Backbone.js and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router slide false false this.trigger pagecreate Works like a charm and without any unnecessary hacks Here is my full Backbone View..
How do i make an area unclickable with CSS? make it with CSS only. jQuery blockUI plug in works like charm. Thanks a lot. javascript jquery css share improve this question..