javascript Programming Glossary: autofocus
Is it bad practice to embed JavaScript into the body of HTML? window load document ready . An example of this would be autofocus which can irritate if fired too late. You may be thinking of..
Focus Input Box On Load 1 How to focus an input on page load You can just add the autofocus attribute to the input. input id myinputbox type text autofocus.. attribute to the input. input id myinputbox type text autofocus However this might not be supported in all browsers so we can.. how I would accomplish this with jQuery. input type text autofocus script function autofocus .on focus function if this.setSelectionRange..
Mobile Safari Autofocus text field in an input field on ios devices mobile safari how can you autofocus on a form field in iphone safari Comment in set textbox focus.. focus in mobile safari javascript focus mobile safari autofocus share improve this question I think this is a feature of..
javascript dom, how to handle “special properties” as versus attributes? but passes set value to attribute property attribute value autofocus checked disabled formNoValidate multiple required setting property..