javascript Programming Glossary: authenticate
backbone.js ajax calls building. I need to perform an AJAX call REST SERVICE to authenticate. Where is the correct place for this call In the Model View..
application that uses OAuth and javascript [closed] an app that uses JavaScript and it needs to use OAuth to authenticate user for a website. Can anyone help me out please Any sample..
How to Logout of an Application Where I Used OAuth2 To Login With Google? If not Google will say Hang on a sec Stack Overflow I'll authenticate this fella and if he can enter the right password for his Google.. Assembla or whatever web application used Google OAuth to authenticate the user. In fact I can log out of all of my Google accounts.. the user re enter a password. That's the whole point It authenticates against Google so the user doesn't have to enter his or her..
Authenticate client-side app to REST API using CORS with local strategy endpoint to exchange for access token You would authenticate each subsequent request with the access token and CRSF token.. me in the right direction Ultimately the goal here is too authenticate a client side app to a REST api using CORS with a local strategy..
How to Check Authenticity of an AJAX Request used for forms in Rails is sufficient because I need to authenticate the source of a value not just the legitimacy of the request...
Within a web browser, is it possible for JavaScript to obtain information about the SSL Certificate being used for the current page? browser to determine which CA certificate is being used to authenticate the remote host for the browser's current SSL connection and..
JavaScript OAuth sign in with Twitter code java script OAuth but im confused how to use oauth authenticate and how to get the oauth_token Can any one please help me out..
How can I validate/secure/authenticate a JavaScript-based POST request? can I validate secure authenticate a JavaScript based POST request A product I'm helping to develop..
Using Facebook Graph to simply post a wall message with just javascript then a URL Thats it. I don't mind if facebook needs to authenticate and then post the message. and I really don't want to have to..
Retrieve Access Token Using Javascript API to be anything other than null I thought I'd authenticate the user on the client side then send the access token to the..
Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript everywhere for a good example of a JQuery ajax call to authenticate a use in Twitter using their OAuth method. I read the instructions..
jQuery cross domain POST shenanigans cross domain POST shenanigans I'm trying to authenticate to an API which only allows you to authenticate using a POST.. trying to authenticate to an API which only allows you to authenticate using a POST with JSON as form data in the format of username..
popup window blocked in ajax success handler I am trying to open a popup window to allow a user to authenticate with twitter without having to leave the page they are viewing...
How to authenticate with Google via OAuth 2.0 in a popup? to authenticate with Google via OAuth 2.0 in a popup Sorry for a big edit... Anyway I want to access Google services which requires authenticate such as OAuth. Being that it is javascript it sounds like OAuth2..
How can I supress the browser's authentication dialog? header the credentials in the header do not successfully authenticate. The web server returns a 401 status code and includes one or..
Can you get a public Facebook page's feed using Graph API without asking a user to allow? code in the Access Token If not is there some way I could authenticate an app to get the token without having to involve a user Is..