

javascript Programming Glossary: attempt

Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript


Editor's note The following approach is the asker's attempt that worked on a particular browser but does not work in general..

How to show the “Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?” when changes committed?


in stackoverflow if you started to make changes then you attempt to navigate away from the page a javascript confirm button shows..

After calling chrome.tabs.query, the results are not available


the chrome.tabs.query method is asynchronous . In an attempt to make you understand the significance of the asynchronous.. &emsp She Sure. Let's have a look... &emsp You Jumps and attempts to grab rope Because there's no rope you fall and die. &emsp..

Trying to Validate URL Using JavaScript


front typically ˜http or ˜https and leave it at that. Or c. attempt to use the URL and see what lies at the end for example by sending..

change type of input field with jQuery


jQuery would throw an exception in all browsers for any attempt to set the type attribute on an input or button element. This.. lowest common denominator IE 6 7 8 throw an error if you attempt to change the type of an input element. As of jQuery 1.9 we.. it. However your own code will need to be aware that attempting to do this on oldIE will still throw an error. The jQuery..

Intercept page exit event


edits they have not saved. I would like to intercept any attempt to go to another page and prompt the user to be sure they want..

How to close current tab in a browser window?


default behavior for the event. Otherwise the browser will attempt to go to that URL which it obviously isn't . Now the options..

Fixing javascript Array functions in Internet Explorer (indexOf, forEach, etc)


. It's a bit shorter than the MDC versions as it doesn't attempt to type sniff that you haven't done something silly like pass.. callbacks or non integer indexes but apart from that it attempts to be standards compliant. Let me know if I've missed anything...

Prevent double submission of forms in jQuery


process. I need to ensure that the user waits and does not attempt to resubmit the form by clicking the button again. I tried using..

Using HTML5/Javascript to generate and save a file


Flash are valid enough but part of what I'm doing is an attempt to highlight what can be done with pure HTML5... so Flash is..

Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons?


of the same type but if they are of different types they attempt to coerce the values. the rules by which they do that are complicated..

Passing in dynamic key:value pairs to an object literal?


literal I am using this slice of code shown below in an attempt to populate the object literal named Parameters inside the for..

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL


JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL I am getting the below error when.. iframe which contains another domain url Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL URL1 from frame with URL URL2 . Domains..

Refresh a Div that has a Google ad inside it


I am guessing it will have the same effect as the above attempt. I do not want to use iFrames. Is there any other option open..

Get a range's start and end offset's relative to its parent container


have inconsistencies with line breaks and makes no attempt to deal with text hidden via CSS I suspect IE will correctly.. handle all this stuff properly would be tricky. I've now attempted it for my Rangy library. Live example http jsfiddle.net TjXEG..

Is it correct to use JavaScript Array.sort() method for shuffling?


or complexity. It's only a few lines of code which I won't attempt in JavaScript The Wikipedia article on shuffling and in particular..

Catch browser's “zoom” event in JavaScript


there's a zoom. I found a good entry here on how you can attempt to implement it. I ™ve found two ways of detecting the zoom level...

jQuery.parseJSON vs JSON.parse


is an extract from jQuery 1.9.1 parseJSON function data Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if window.JSON window.JSON.parse..

jQuery single quote in JSON response


that underlying implementation parseJSON function data ... Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if window.JSON window.JSON.parse..

Is it possible to register a javascript event that triggers when java applet is fully loaded?


it. Here is a utility function I wrote that does just that Attempt to load the applet up to X times with a delay. If it succeeds..

Error: Attempt to run compile-and-go script on a cleared scope


Attempt to run compile and go script on a cleared scope Since upgrading..

How to cancel an image load after a period of time?


to subsequently call the onError action. What it will do Attempt to retrieve the resource. src https www.site.com cgi bin pullimg.cgi..

Remove not alphanumeric characters from string. Having trouble with the [\] character


that is not alphanumeric. Here is what I've tried... Attempt 1 test red bob fred new .replace _ W g Output 1 testedobredew.. red bob fred new .replace _ W g Output 1 testedobredew Attempt 2 test red bob fred new .replace '`~ @# ^ _ ' . gi Output 2.. .replace '`~ @# ^ _ ' . gi Output 2 testedobred newline ew Attempt 3 test red bob fred new .replace ^a zA Z0 9 Output 3 testedobred..