

javascript Programming Glossary: average

Dealing with incremental server response in AJAX (in JavaScript)


While 'time cmd dev null gives around 10.0 seconds on average 'time cmd head dev null' gives less than 0.1 seconds for example..

Javascript collection


Java world it's the same as int and Integer. The point The average JS guy will write JS in the following way var x doStuff function..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


from the existing page to the new page occurs This is a average page transition benchmark Page load and processing 3ms Page..

Google Map API v3 ??set bounds and center


not found a clear answer. I know I could simply take an average of the co ordinates but how would I set the zoom accordingly..

JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation


side first because you can give better feedback to the average user . For example if they enter an invalid email address and..

HTML5 Canvas Resize (Downscale) Image High Quality?


since the 2X image downsampling is very simple to compute average 4 pixels to make one and is used for retina HiDPI pixels this..

Geometry (CONVOLUTION) function with javascript or jquery


sets of coordinate trajectories. You can set it up to average several points if you'd like to smooth the path. Ok so here.. for the jitter in the path. My suggestion would be to average several previous points or just grab a point several back. http..

Purpose of JSLint “disallow insecure in regex” option


stick with validation that will handle the abuse of your average user. Is it safe to ignore this error Am I missing an angle..

get average color of image via javascript


average color of image via javascript Not sure this is possible but.. but Looking to write a script that would return the average hex or rgb value for an image. I know it can be done in AS but..

Understanding Firebug profiler output


into the detailed results I see individual results with an average execution time greater than 464.323 ms e.g. the result with.. greater than 464.323 ms e.g. the result with the highest average time reports the following details Calls 1 Percent 0 Own Time.. speed of JavaScript execution. It gets worst since time average time min and max all count nested function calls they're all..

Detect “overall average” color of the picture


&ldquo overall average&rdquo color of the picture I have a picture jpg file for example.. a picture jpg file for example . I need to know overall average the color of the picture. I mean the prevailing color in this.. at the top the original image at the bottom the overall average color which is associated with picture If you help me to formulate..

What's the best way to determine at runtime if a browser is too slow to gracefully handle complex JavaScript/CSS?


fast the browser would complete it there is no general or average that makes sense here in my experience and even if there was..

What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed]


which in fact is 29KB probably smaller than the logo on an average website and can be served from Google's CDN which is likely..

How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0?


since the app is online it seems as if the error occurs on average with every second user in facebookUser this api api 'me fields..

Slow executing js in IE and FF


of DOM transactions a lot. If jItems.length was 20 and the average number of videos was 5 this would cut the number of DOM transactions..

Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN?


there is a cost to this in terms of page load speed. On Average Simply because it's used more it's been around longer ajax.googleapis.com..

Firefox bad RegEx performance


Following are the test results on my machine Firefox 24 Average time is between 370 450 ms for 10000 regex executions Chrome.. 450 ms for 10000 regex executions Chrome 30 Opera 17 IE 10 Average time is between 0.3 0.6 ms This difference gets even larger..

getElementsByTagName() equivalent for textNodes


handicapped . Ran each test 1000 times. Method Total ms Average ms document.TreeWalker 301 0.301 Iterative Traverser 769..

Attach text on path in Raphaël?


follow tLen t.length Number of characters oneL pLen tLen Average length of 1 character You can also use .getBBox for each character..

Does better to write: var arr=[]; than var arr=new Array();?


10000000 the same array 1 2 3 which gave these results Average speed per 10000000 calls Array Constructor 226.55 ms Array Literal..

Can I use html tags in twitter-bootstrap popover data-content?


do a good job 5 for Really Nice 4 for Good Enough 3 for Average 2 for Somewhat OK 1 for Really Bad Q a I'd like to have an ordered..

Is the recommendation to include CSS before JavaScript invalid?


9 CSS first last first last first last Header Exec Average 583ms 36ms 559ms 42ms 565ms 49ms St Dev 15ms 12ms 9ms 7ms 13ms.. 49ms St Dev 15ms 12ms 9ms 7ms 13ms 6ms Body Exec Average 584ms 521ms 559ms 513ms 565ms 519ms St Dev 15ms 9ms 9ms 5ms.. 9 CSS first last first last first last Header Exec Average 597ms 556ms 562ms 559ms 564ms 564ms St Dev 14ms 12ms 11ms 7ms..