javascript Programming Glossary: authorization
Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript Google documentation provides details for server based authorization and code samples for various server technologies . There's also.. also a JavaScript Google API library that has support for authorization. Down in the samples section of the wiki there is a code snippet.. library and stop whinging Please don't suggest doing the authorization on the server side our application is entirely client side I..
BoilerplateJS: recommended way to handle authorization and authentication recommended way to handle authorization and authentication With BoilerplateJS setup what is the recommended.. BoilerplateJS setup what is the recommended way to handle authorization and authentication Obviously on the server side you'd check.. contexts we were able to access it from any where. For authorization purposes then we then downloaded a simple ACL for the logged..
Why does the preflight OPTIONS request of an authenticated CORS request work in Chrome but not Firefox? GET OPTIONS Header set Access Control Allow Headers origin authorization accept SetEnvIf Origin http s . . a z 3 AccessControlAllowOrigin..
Unable to pass a response form facebook to another function window.location.href If the user did not grant the app authorization go ahead and tell them that. Stop code execution. if 0 window.location.href.indexOf..
ASP.NET Forms Authentication prevents loading javascript on Login.aspx Main.aspx cookieless UseDeviceProfile authentication authorization deny users authorization Help me please to understand what's.. UseDeviceProfile authentication authorization deny users authorization Help me please to understand what's happening. javascript system.web ... system.web location path css system.web authorization allow users authorization system.web location configuration..
How to authenticate with Google via OAuth 2.0 in a popup? http blog 2012 04 authentication and authorization for google apis in javascript popup window tutorial.html Hope..
request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using [Authorize] encoded and added as a query string to the request to the authorization form so I can see where this may result in a problem given your..
FB.logout() called without an access token JS method will log the user out of Facebook and remove any authorization cookies FB.logout handleSessionResponse The code works and is..
Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript of Google Drive using JavaScript I'm trying to authorize my.. 2 main issues currently both of which have workarrounds Authorization First if you have a look closely at how Google Drive auth works..
AngularJS - set HTTP header for one request that requires Basic authentication so I need to set the Authorization header for that request. I read about setting HTTP request headers.. something like this in my code Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ But I don't want every one.. http method 'GET' url ' someapi' headers 'Authorization' 'Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ ' The list of valid parameters..
REST user authentication the user on every request by providing information in the Authorization HTTP header. IF this becomes a performance problem then look..
Why does the preflight OPTIONS request of an authenticated CORS request work in Chrome but not Firefox? which is to Base64 encode the credentials and send in an Authorization header Base64 from http javascript base64.html.. after open and before send httpRequest.setRequestHeader 'Authorization' auth This results in a 401 Unauthorized response to the OPTIONS..
Unable to pass a response form facebook to another function error_reason document.body .append p Authorization denied p return When the Facebook SDK script has finished..
How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? 1000' header 'Access Control Allow Headers Content Type Authorization X Requested With' break This allows your script to make cross..
Is it Possible to Make Cross-Domain Requests in Javascript AND Set Custom Headers? 'json' beforeSend function xhr xhr.setRequestHeader Authorization GoogleLogin auth token success function data textStatus XMLHttpRequest..
Please help test a CORS issue in Firefox jQuery ajax when 401 Connection keep alive Origin null Cookie LtpaToken .... Authorization Negotiate .... and is rewarded with the file I need but cannot..
GreaseMonkey script to auto login using HTTP authentication to log in using HTTP authentication by setting the Authorization HTTP header with the value of this header set to the string.. 'Accept' 'application atom xml application xml text xml' 'Authorization' 'Basic ' base64string So when I now visit the site it traverses..
How do you call a JSON web service, that requires basic authentication, using jQuery? 'othervalues' 'beforeSend' function xhr May need to use Authorization instead xhr.setRequestHeader Authentication Basic encodeBase64..
Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript Build headers from signature var jsonData JSON.stringify Authorization oauth_nonce nonce oauth_callback encodeURIComponent callBackURL..
Using javascript with the twitter API 'beforeSend' function xhr xhr.setRequestHeader Authorization Basic encodeBase64 username password sucess function result..
XMLHttpRequest: Multipart/Related POST with XML and image as payload MIME version 1.0 Add OAuth Token xhr.setRequestHeader Authorization oauth.getAuthorizationHeader url method '' xhr.onreadystatechange.. OAuth Token xhr.setRequestHeader Authorization oauth.getAuthorizationHeader url method '' xhr.onreadystatechange function data if..
How can I supress the browser's authentication dialog? that although the request included a well formed Authorization header the credentials in the header do not successfully authenticate...
Access Control Allow Origin not allowed by [duplicate] entry ' POST url true http.setRequestHeader Authorization AuthSub token AccessToken http.setRequestHeader X GData Key..
cross-origin 'Authorization'-header with jquery.ajax() origin 'Authorization' header with jquery.ajax I'm trying to send a cross origin.. trying to send a cross origin domain and adding a custom 'Authorization' header. Please see the code below. Error XMLHttpRequest cannot.. XMLHttpRequest cannot load url . Request header field Authorization is not allowed by Access Control Allow Headers. function loadJson..