javascript Programming Glossary: arithmetic
Overloading Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript? custom numeric JavaScript objects composable via the arithmetic operators javascript operator overloading share improve this..
JavaScript large number library?
How to shorten my conditional statements [duplicate] yield 0 . To understand this let's do some simple binary arithmetic. Here is how we would add 1 to 1 00000000000000000000000000000001..
Why is Math.pow(0, 0) === 1? ”C states in the section covering IEC 60559 floating point arithmetic support Generally C99 eschews a NaN result where a numerical..
What is the accepted way to send 64-bit values over JSON? a string containing the value. If you actually have to do arithmetic on the value you could possibly write your own Javascript routines.. possibly write your own Javascript routines for 64 bit arithmetic. One way that you could represent values in Javascript and hence..
Precise Financial Calculation in JavaScript. What Are the Gotchas? This is to avoid problems with floating point logic and arithmetic . There is no decimal data type in JavaScript the only numeric.. 0.1 0.2 0.3 returns false but fortunately integer arithmetic in floating point is exact so decimal representation errors..
Why `null >= 0 && null <= 0` but not `null == 0`? v 0 because I thought anything not a number would make an arithmetic expression false but it was wrong since null 0 is evaluated..
Is there a bignum library for JavaScript? [closed] install it. Backup plans If I write my own exact rational arithmetic JavaScript bignum library would you recommend basing it on http..
Understanding floating point problems get the consistently right answer you should do rational arithmetic yourself this doesn't need to be hard for currency maybe you..
Integers in JavaScript in JavaScript so you have to be a little careful with your arithmetic if you're used to math in C or Java. I've already seen that..
Safe evaluation of arithmetic expressions in Javascript evaluation of arithmetic expressions in Javascript I need to evaluate user entered arithmetic.. expressions in Javascript I need to evaluate user entered arithmetic expressions like 2 3 4 in Javascript but I don't want to use.. cos sqrt etc... Are there any Javascript libraries that do arithmetic expression evaluation javascript parsing math share improve..
Are +0 and -0 the same? Signed zero is zero with an associated sign. In ordinary arithmetic 0 0. However in computing some number representations allow.. by either 0 or . The IEEE 754 standard for floating point arithmetic presently used by most computers and programming languages that..
Is there a good Javascript BigDecimal library? So if I just round all numbers to 10 decimals after each arithmetic operation would that be enough javascript floating point bigdecimal..
Addition is not working in JavaScript string concatenation. '2' 2 '22' true 2 2 4 true The other arithmetic operators will perform a toNumber conversion on the string s..
What does = +_ mean in JavaScript _ r is now 1 not 1 . Moreover according to the MDN page on Arithmetic Operators The unary plus operator precedes its operand and evaluates..
Overloading Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript? Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript This is the best way I can think of..
What is JavaScript's Max Int? What's the highest Integer value a Number can go to without losing precision? var x 9007199254740992 var y x x x 1 true y y 1 also true Arithmetic operators work but bitwise shifts only operate on int32 x 2..
Javascript Math Error: Inexact Floats [duplicate]
Javascript: calculate number of days in month for a given year 1 1 var monthLength monthEnd monthStart 1000 60 60 24 Arithmetic with Date objects gives a number of milliseconds. This will..
Is JavaScript's Floating-Point Math Broken? Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic . For a javascript library implementing algorithms from the..
int((0.1+0.7)*10) = 7 in several languages. How to prevent this?