javascript Programming Glossary: areas
Dynamically resizing Image-maps and images here is a cross browser codesnippet to resize all areas in MAP element. window.onload function var ImageMap function.. window.onload function var ImageMap function map var n areas map.getElementsByTagName 'area' len areas.length coords previousWidth.. map var n areas map.getElementsByTagName 'area' len areas.length coords previousWidth 1920 for n 0 n len n coords n..
Best practices for managing and deploying large JavaScript apps you can group your JS into application functional areas if that's easier for you to navigate. If you put all your JS..
jQuery change event on <select> not firing in IE the selected option I want to hide show different content areas on the page. Here's the code I have document .ready function.. ' Test the selected option and hide show different content areas. This works in Firefox and Safari but in IE the change event..
Post-loading : check if an image is in the browser cache The localStorage attribute provides persistent storage areas for domains Exactly what i wanted . This attribute is standardized..
How to learn web-programming (Javascript, PHP)? PHP. all these i want to learn to get good command in all areas of Wordpress design and Development. Although i can use basic..
Architecture of a single-page JavaScript web application? other tips I've found view focus and input management are areas that need special attention in single page web apps I also found..
Max length for html text areas length for html text areas What's the best cross browser way of restricting the maximum..
Get country from latitude longitude lang radius buffer in km for closest country in coastal areas Result returns the iso country code for the given latitude longitude..
Click area on sprite in canvas I can make the sprite clickable omitting the transparent areas. I need a solution where my game sprites can be clicked but..
Using JQuery hover with HTML image map map is correctly mapped to activate only the geometric areas. But the href from each rollover area works only intermittently..
Canvas - Fill a rectangle in all areas that are fully transparent Fill a rectangle in all areas that are fully transparent I'm writing a simple 2D game engine..
Get Directory of a File Name in Javascript side script of a web application though it's best in other areas such as in Windows script host or the server side of a web app..
How to change color of an image using jquery [closed] you're going to use the PNG so you can have transparent areas on the image. Open it on an image editor and cut out all the.. Open it on an image editor and cut out all the blank areas on the image leaving the mug with a transparent contour. Like..
Browser statistics on JavaScript disabled opinion it's fair enough to require some very specific areas of a site to require JavaScript but you should try as much as..
How persistent is localStorage? User agents should expire data from the local storage areas only for security reasons or when requested to do so by the..