javascript Programming Glossary: argument2
Capturing output from WshShell.Exec using Windows Script Host StdOut like this sCommandLine c Path To prog.exe Argument1 argument2 Dim oExec Set oExec WshShell.Exec CMD S C sCommandLine 2 1 In.. CreateProcess is this CMD S C c Path To prog.exe Argument1 argument2 2 1 This invokes CMD.EXE which interprets the command line... So CMD.EXE executes this c Path To prog.exe Argument1 argument2 2 1 The incantation 2 1 redirects prog.exe 's StdErr to StdOut...
How best to determine if an argument is not sent to the JavaScript function other or if one is just bad to use function Test argument1 argument2 if Test.arguments.length 1 argument2 'blah' alert argument2.. Test argument1 argument2 if Test.arguments.length 1 argument2 'blah' alert argument2 Test 'test' Or function Test argument1.. if Test.arguments.length 1 argument2 'blah' alert argument2 Test 'test' Or function Test argument1 argument2 argument2 argument2..