javascript Programming Glossary: argue
Should your website work without JavaScript [duplicate] you know that everyone has javascript though even here I'd argue that there's a growing trend where these sites are made available..
rails and backbone working together backbone.js provides for client side code. Many people argue that there's nothing wrong with using rails this way and I think..
When to use Requirejs and when to use bundled javascript? question directly yes it is one or the other. Most that argue for packing your scripts into a single file believe it enables..
use of javascript array new Array(n) declaration to specify a static limit on one of my arrays. I'd also argue that the potential problems of limiting arrays in javascript..
How does similar_text work? code wouldn't do this is wrong. I think it is possible to argue that as intended behaviour. Not sure if it is. Second what doesn't.. so in this case the order of params doesn't matter. I'd argue that javascript version is more correct way of doing it but..
What does it mean that Javascript is a prototype based language? inheritance is a sensible way of going about it. You might argue that prototypal inheritance is a fairly simple model of code..
Remember and Repopulate File Input be uploaded to what location url webserver . Now one might argue that all other browsers were in violation of the spec but that..
IE7 default form method is “GET”. How can I tell if it's user-entered or default? GET on all forms without a method value. I don't want to argue about whether GET or POST is the most sensible default I just..
How would you organize a large complex web application (see basic example)? where it can be effectively tested. AHAH nay sayers will argue that this is not a performant way to run a web site however..
getElementsByTagName() equivalent for textNodes nodes that are not text and checking their type. I would argue based on the results that TreeWalker performs just as fast as..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? Most programmers who come from a classical background argue that classical inheritance is more powerful than prototypal..
JavaScript braces on new line or not? [closed] whatever everyone else in the project is using and don't argue For what it's worth I'm a K Rite. I find the OTBS puts a lot..
Why doesn't jQuery bomb if your selector object is invalid? where you expect only a single element so maybe you could argue it should fail there...but then that wouldn't be consistent..
Is it possible to write to a file (on a disk) using JavaScript? on use PHP for such an operation. I know many of you may argue that 'I'm doing it wrong' or 'JavaScript is a client side language'..
Why is there a `null` value in JavaScript? is a big source of debugging difficulty. you could also argue that 2 should throw an exception but then you'd have to provide..
get word click in paragraphs well slow the performance of a page with 30 000 words. I'd argue that is excessive and probably would benefit from being paginated..
JSLint error: Move all 'var' declarations to the top of the function internally I'm initialising it here so I am safe. I would argue that declaring an iterator variable where they are used ensures..
Can scrapy be used to scrape dynamic content from websites that are using AJAX? has similar extension it is called firebug . Some will argue that firebug is even more powerful but I like the simplicity..