javascript Programming Glossary: arguments.callee.caller
Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript? was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript Why was the arguments.callee.caller.. property deprecated in JavaScript Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript It was added and then deprecated.. that in addition to everything else the question was about arguments.callee.caller or more specifically Function.caller . At any point in time..
How to implement a simple prioritized listener pattern in JavaScript with minimal impact. some usage function audit console.log arguments.callee.caller arguments function a alert arguments a..
Accessing line number in V8 JavaScript (Chrome & Node.js) console.log __line The above will log 19 . Combined with arguments.callee.caller you can get closer to the type of useful logging you get in..
Determine calling function in javascript [duplicate] property via the arguments.calee property function if arguments.callee.caller null return The function was called from the top else return.. called from the top else return This function's caller was arguments.callee.caller Note that this code is accessing the current function and then..
How to achieve pseudo-classical inheritance right on the class declaration? _extends baseType return function definition var caller arguments.callee.caller var instance this if instance instanceof baseType caller.prototype..
How can I get the name of function inside a JavaScript function? callTaker.length console.log callTaker.caller console.log arguments.callee.caller console.log arguments.callee.caller.caller console.log console.log arguments.callee.caller console.log arguments.callee.caller.caller console.log console.log callTaker.constructor..
Full callstack for multiple frames JS on IE8 http javascript js stack trace . It is based on arguments.callee.caller. But the caller returns zero undefined if the function was called.. simple function at every frame function getCaller return arguments.callee.caller and next functions only for top frame function populateStack..
How can I get a Javascript stack trace when I throw an exception? ' ' 0 .substring 9 ' ' f.arguments.join ' ' ' ' return st2 arguments.callee.caller EDIT A better and simpler solution as pointed out in the comments..
How to run user-submitted scripts securely in a node.js sandbox? closure with strict mode in regular JavaScript you can use arguments.callee.caller to access data outside of your scope . Finally a very limited..
How to get the caller event and dom element id event and dom element id script function Hello var caller arguments.callee.caller alert caller script input type button id btnHello value Hello..