javascript Programming Glossary: allowing
Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript? sillyFunction Anyhoo EcmaScript 3 resolved this issues by allowing named function expressions eg. 1 2 3 4 5 .map function factorial..
What is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS/JS files? solution and I'll let your votes decide. Update After allowing discussion here for a while I have found John Millikin and da5id..
How do I stop a page from unloading (navigating away) in JS? the browser to present the user with a custom confirm box allowing them to refuse to stay there if they so choose. It has to be..
Javascript: Do I need to put this.var for every variable in an object? a solution that uses the constructor function as a closure allowing the creating of private attributes . Every execution of a javascript..
JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation they send custom HTTP requests from curl for example Not allowing for that is not only naive from a security standpoint but also..
Preventing click event with jQuery drag and drop prevent click from firing on dropping such element while allowing clicking it in not drag and drop state I have this problem with..
Which browsers support <script async=“async” />? works on browsers without support for script async.. tags allowing them to load async with a hack although a pretty solid one and..
JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline? fail gracefully preserve the data and alert the user.. allowing them to eventually fix the connection problem if there is one..
What is JSONP all about? The proposition for JSONRequest is a great solution to allowing cross domain scripting maintaining security and allowing proper..
Why does Google prepend while(1); to their JSON responses? called whenever an object array or hash attribute is set allowing them to read the JSON content. The while 1 or BLAH prevents..
JavaScript unit test tools for TDD to look at a proper JavaScript editor or Eclipse plug in allowing easy referencing and refactoring. There is the JSTD one which.. In 2008 it got its own home name and API documentation allowing others to use it for their unit testing as well. At the time..
new MyObject(); vs new MyObject; the new operator only JavaScript simplifies the grammar by allowing the parenthesis to be omitted if there are no arguments in the..
What are the common defenses against XSS? [closed] should safely and strictly validate or CSS escape it. Not allowing user provided HTML. Do not allow user provided HTML if you have..
Parse a JavaScript file through PHP as well. Is there any way of including a .js file in HTML allowing the server to first interpret it before downloading to the client..
How do I get the current location of an iframe? of an iframe I have built a basic data entry application allowing users to browse external content in iframe and enter data quickly..
How to take screen shot of a div with JavaScript? This will open a new tab or window with the 'screenshot' allowing the user to save it. There is no way to invoke a 'save as' dialog..
Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working? to CBroe for pointing me into the right direction here allowing to ameliorate the solution Start Session Fix session_start page_url..
Allowing a child Iframe to call a function on its parent window from a different domain a child Iframe to call a function on its parent window from..
JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? also allows you to use u0061 for A but it's not required. Allowing helps when embedding JSON in a script tag which doesn't allow..
Responding to the onmousemove event outside of the browser window in IE . It is not applicable to the HTML5 drag specification . Allowing dragging outside the browser window is an old problem that different..
show/hide html table columns using css a .hide rule it will automatically be display table cell . Allowing table display to revert to default rather than setting it explicitly..
Allowing javascript function to accept any number of arguments javascript function to accept any number of arguments I would..
What are the risks of letting users upload and run Javascript html5 file upload xss share improve this question Allowing javascript to be uploaded an run opens up quite a lot of options..
Reflective Web Application (WebIDE) in JavaScript Accurate and brief DOM tree viewer Allowing users to choose JavaScript libraries i.e. Prototype jQuery Dojo..
Open local folder from link prevents a number of unpleasant possibilities including Allowing sites to detect your operating system by checking default installation.. operating system by checking default installation paths Allowing sites to exploit system vulnerabilities e.g. C con con in Windows.. system vulnerabilities e.g. C con con in Windows 95 98 Allowing sites to detect browser preferences or read sensitive data for..
Creating a live checkers-like web app with PHP, JS, CSS and HTML? enormous overhead for both the client and the server. Allowing the server to push requests directly to the client without the..
How to set a cookie for another domain this question You cannot set cookies for another domain. Allowing this would present an enormous security flaw. You need to get..
Why should I really move to coffee script? How much time does it really save? [closed] would you say are coffee script's most important features Allowing you to write that code that is JavaScript but has a completely..