javascript Programming Glossary: aliasing
JavaScript function aliasing doesn't seem to work function aliasing doesn't seem to work I was just reading this question and wanted..
that, self or me ??which one to prefer in JavaScript? help code obfuscators etc. . There are coders who prefer aliasing this to that to make it obvious its intention. Other guys use..
var self = this?
How to distort an image to create flag waving in the wind effect using html5 canvas to wave into and because I don't make any attempt at anti aliasing. I also didn't make any attempt to provide 3D shading which..
Webkit-based blurry/distorted text post-animation via translate3d you must tell browser to explicitly use the proper anti aliasing so there is a fixed Dmitry's example http PtDVF.. around or for the blocks where you need to fix the anti aliasing background #FFF Or the actual color of your background applied..
HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices drawings all browser implementations of canvas employ anti aliasing although this does not seem to be a requirement in the HTML5.. does not seem to be a requirement in the HTML5 spec . Anti aliasing can be important to keep in mind if you want to draw crisp lines..
How to stretch images with no antialiasing to stretch images with no antialiasing So I ran across this recently http index.php.. Can you stretch an image in browser without any antialiasing I'm open to any suggestions whether it's using a canvas jQuery.. mode nearest neighbor And that'll stop that nasty anti aliasing in all the modern browsers. It'll even work in IE7 8 but not..