javascript Programming Glossary: allitems
Using Jquery to get JSON objects from local file Jquery and store all the objects in a single array called allItems. The file is co located in the same directory as the code and.. located in the same directory as the code and it's called allItems.json . Here's how I'm doing it now function getAllSupportedItems.. how I'm doing it now function getAllSupportedItems var allItems new Array .getJSON allItems.json function data .each data.items..
Calling a dialog in Dynamics 2011 and passing multiple recordIDs to it dialogID typeName Get selected objects var allItems new Array var allItems SelectedControlSelectedItemReferences.. typeName Get selected objects var allItems new Array var allItems SelectedControlSelectedItemReferences Just get first item for.. for now as dialog only seems to accept one ID var personId allItems 0 .Id personId personId.replace g personId personId.replace..