javascript Programming Glossary: alpha
input type=file show only button border width 0 0 100px 200px opacity 0.0 filter alpha opacity 0 o transform translate 250px 50px scale 1 moz transform..
HTML5 Canvas drawImage ratio bug iOS megapixel There are side issues when scaling images with alpha channel as it uses the alpha channel for the issues detection.. when scaling images with alpha channel as it uses the alpha channel for the issues detection and when trying to resize existing..
PNG Transparency Problems in IE8 IE6 7 zoom 1 Presto Goodbye black and hello working alpha channels in ie7 and 8. Fade your pngs in and out or animate..
Generate lighter/darker color in css using javascript d 1 d 2 2 0 4 0 9 25 0 5 ' ' s s ' ' 0 1 0 . d ' ' s ' 'i' alpha rgb rgb 4 null rgb 4 null Convert hex to decimal decimal rgb.. 3 16 .split returnValue Return RGB A return rgb 'rgb' alpha null 'a' '' ' ' Math darker 'max' 'min' parseInt decimal 0.. 'min' parseInt decimal 2 10 difference darker 0 255 alpha null ' ' alpha '' ' ' Return hex '#' pad Math darker 'max'..
User recognition without cookies or local storage vars this w i 0 this dw i 0 function train input alpha teta colums count input 0 1 weightCache array_fill 1 colums..
How to access SVG elements with Javascript 134.593 159.428 94.593 151.279 path class monkey id alpha fill #FD00FF d M96.315 4.354l42.963 5.185l18.519 42.222l71.852.. title SVG Illustrator Test title head body object data alpha.svg type image svg xml id alphasvg width 100 height 100 object.. head body object data alpha.svg type image svg xml id alphasvg width 100 height 100 object body html I guess this is two..
Sort mixed alpha/numeric array mixed alpha numeric array I have a mixed array that i need to sort by alphabet.. numeric array I have a mixed array that i need to sort by alphabet and then by digit A1 A10 A11 A12 A2 A3 A4 B10 B2 F1 F12 F3.. arr.sort function a b return a b but that only sorts it alphabetically. Can this be done with either straight JavaScript or..
How to access accelerometer/gyroscope data from Javascript? with iOS 4.2. In the event handler function you can access alpha beta gamma values on the event data supplied as the only argument..
Styling <input type=“file”> [duplicate] position relative text align right moz opacity 0 filter alpha opacity 0 opacity 0 z index 2 style div class fileinputs input..
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] talk about the merits but jQuery mobile though it is in alpha as well is backed by a strong team and a community of supporters..
getPixel from HTML Canvas? pix i 1 255 pix i 1 green pix i 2 255 pix i 2 blue i 3 is alpha the fourth element Draw the ImageData at the given x y coordinates...
Convert RGB-->RGBA .5 rgb 152 177 202 rgba 50 100 150 .5 can be better lower alpha Ideas FYI solution based on Guffa's answer function RGBtoRGBA.. Take the lowest color component and convert that to an alpha value. Then scale the color components by subtracting the lowest.. components by subtracting the lowest and dividing by the alpha value. Example 152 converts to an alpha value of 255 152 255..
javascript date manipulation library some and came up with datejs . The latest version is an alpha 1 release from 2007 so i'm not sure about its quality. Has anyone..
Why is Math.pow(0, 0) === 1? as to the result of this either. This Wolfram Alpha forum posts goes into a bit more details. Although having pow..
'this' object can't be accessed in private JavaScript functions without a hack? that the below code doesn't work as I expected function Alpha this.onion 'onion' function Beta alert this.onion Beta alpha1.. 'onion' function Beta alert this.onion Beta alpha1 new Alpha Alerts 'undefined' However if I change the code to this function.. 'undefined' However if I change the code to this function Alpha var self this this.onion 'onion' function Beta alert self.onion..
How to tell if a string contains a certain character in javascript?
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] MIT license heavy on the JavaScript appears to be in Alpha may be buggy Although I have never worked with M Project myself..
How to limit google autocomplete results to City and Country only country must be passed as as a two character ISO 3166 1 Alpha 2 compatible country code. Officially assigned country codes..