javascript Programming Glossary: alive
HTML5 WebSocket vs Long Polling vs AJAX poll creates connection to server like AJAX does but keep alive connection open for some time not long though during connection..
Whats the easiest way to determine is a user in online? (PHP/MYSQL) every 60 seconds or so to let you know they are still alive. It'll work the same way as my original suggestion but it will..
JavaScript Ajax request vs jQuery $.ajax in the header that got sent out Connection was set to keep alive all the same. Perhaps this gives someone a clue as to what went..
After calling chrome.tabs.query, the results are not available Jumps and grabs rope You manage to get at the other side alive . When requestRope is implemented asynchronously you may have..
How to make a class in JavaScript? Finally the constructor is returned so it can be kept alive outside of the anonymous function used to create it return ConstructedObject..
Prototype AJAX request being sent as OPTIONS rather than GET; results in 501 error accept Access Control Request Method GET Connection keep alive Host Origin http Referer http
What exactly does “closure” refer to in JavaScript? A closure is the local variables for a function kept alive after the function has returned or A closure is a stack frame..
Rails 4 turbo-link prevents jQuery scripts from working each page change it keeps the current page instance alive and replaces only the body and the title in the head. So the..
Reading web.config from JavaScript the server to maintain the session and keeps the session alive This 15 minutes is hardcoded in the js file. I would rather..
WebKit “Refused to set unsafe header 'content-length'” set to the correct value but the Connection is set to keep alive instead of close which makes me think that it is also ignoring..
Javascript: wait until ajax request finishes to close page It can be a fairly short timeout you can keep the session alive by using asynchronous Ajax requests periodically in the page..
Can the unload Event be Used to Reliably fire ajax Request? is hit. If your server doesn't have connection keep alive turned on after you close 2 windows while still having another..
Why does Internet Explorer not send HTTP post body on Ajax call after failure? There is a similar problem triggered by HTTP keep alive timeouts that are shorter than 1 minute and is documented here.. NTLM authentication. It happens when your HTTP keep alive timeout on the server is shorter than the default which defaults..
How to modify Cookie from Ajax call 8859 2 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 Keep Alive 115 Connection keep alive foo Baz Referer Cookie foo bar Array foo bar I'm using Firefox..
Passing PHP variable into JavaScript [duplicate] 2 answers I've a PHP session variable _SESSION 'user' alive throughout the session. In the head section I've my JavaScript..
Backbone.js vs Spine.js [closed] better detail . While both Backbone and Spine are still alive and kicking today with constant updates and enhancements Backbone's..
Disposing of view and model objects in Backbone.js properly which results in those instances being kept alive. I wish if there were a proper way to destroy view instances..
Spring JSON request getting 406 (not Acceptable) Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 Connection keep alive X Requested With XMLHttpRequest Referer http localhost 8080..
Javascript IOS5 “JavaScript execution exceeded timeout” script execution limit. The setTimeout keeps the browser alive processing other events and prevents the execution time limit..
Please help test a CORS issue in Firefox jQuery ajax when 401 deflate Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 Keep Alive 115 Connection keep alive Origin null Cookie LtpaToken ...... Content Language en Access Control Allow Origin ... Keep Alive timeout 6 max 70 Connection Keep Alive Transfer Encoding chunked.. Origin ... Keep Alive timeout 6 max 70 Connection Keep Alive Transfer Encoding chunked Content Type application json charset..
Why does Internet Explorer not send HTTP post body on Ajax call after failure? will one day shed some light on this... If HTTP Keep Alive is disabled on the server this issue goes away. In other words..
How to modify Cookie from Ajax call deflate Accept Charset ISO 8859 2 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 Keep Alive 115 Connection keep alive foo Baz Referer Cookie foo bar Array.. Cookie2 Content Transfer Encoding Date Expect Host Keep Alive Referer TE Trailer Transfer Encoding Upgrade User Agent Via..
Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript 0 proxy revalidate Content Length 44 Proxy Connection Keep Alive Connection Keep Alive Set Cookie lang en path Set Cookie lang.. Length 44 Proxy Connection Keep Alive Connection Keep Alive Set Cookie lang en path Set Cookie lang en path Set Cookie _twitter_sess..
Determining what jQuery .ajax() resolves a string of redirects to 20 GMT Server ... X Powered By ... Content Length 5 Keep Alive timeout 15 max 98 Connection Keep Alive Content Type text html.. Length 5 Keep Alive timeout 15 max 98 Connection Keep Alive Content Type text html The Keep Alive timeout 15 max 98 is worth.. 98 Connection Keep Alive Content Type text html The Keep Alive timeout 15 max 98 is worth to have a deeper look at. No redirect..