java Programming Glossary: works..
How to write a UTF-8 file with Java? Can anyone help me with this code as i say it currently works... but i need to force the save on utf.. can i pass a parameter..
Extract Integer Part in String example if indeed the code that the other submitter posted works... but I'd still recommend learning Regex's in general for they..
Understanding regex in Java: split(“\t”) vs split(“\\t”) - when do they both work, and when should they be used copying the code into Eclipse and not really caring why it works... In a similar fashion I have come upon a piece of text which..
How to move/rename file from internal app storage to external storage on Android?
Android - Save image from URL onto SD card emulator share improve this question Try this code.It works... try URL url new URL Enter the URL to be downloaded HttpURLConnection..
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together to work I don't know what exactly did the trick but it works... java jquery json spring spring mvc share improve this question..
how to copy a data from file to PostgreSQL using JDBC? jdbc jdbctemplate share improve this question This works... import import java.sql.Connection import..
Using Scala traits with implemented methods in Java in multiple traits To continue the digression on how Scala works... That being said it is easy to imagine how mixing in multiple..