java Programming Glossary: won
Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over no winner has yet been declared Game is a draw. Cross has won. Circle has won. Unfortunately to do so it reads through a predefined.. been declared Game is a draw. Cross has won. Circle has won. Unfortunately to do so it reads through a predefined set of.. the game is over The determination of whether someone has won or not is the meat of the problem since checking if 9 spaces..
How to generate a Java class which implements Serializable interface from xsd using JAXB? from which all your bound classes will inherit. This class won ™t be generated by xjc so you are free to create it as you please..
Instantiating generics type in java generics type in java Duplicate Java generics why this won ™t work Duplicate Instantiating a generic class in Java I would..
When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel? and basically at that time for our requirement Camel won. We use it mainly to transfer internal datafiles to from external..
Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused animals new ArrayList Dog Java nested wildcard generic won ™t compile Appendix The rules of capture conversion This was..
How do I prevent Maven 2 from searching remote repositories for specific local depedencies? that are in the local repository only Well actually Maven won't unless they are SNAPSHOT dependencies in which case this is..
Will Hibernate flush my updated persistent object when calling session.close()(using FlushMode.AUTO)? when calling session.close using FlushMode.AUTO No it won't and you should use a transaction with well defined boundaries.. and the resource is returned to the pool. Obviously this won ™t be a problem for the SELECT you ™ve executed but look at this..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? an alpha release stuff I hacked up over the weekend. It won ™t stay that way. For the beta I intend to fold together the..
How to approach number guessing game(with a twist) algorithm? will try to guess what they have. Which obviously it won ™t be able to get correctly the first turn. Value quantity day1.. So I thought I'd add another condition to the game that won't interfere with what the player is doing game stays the same..