java Programming Glossary: workqueue
ExecutorService that interrupts tasks after a timeout long keepAliveTime TimeUnit unit BlockingQueue Runnable workQueue long timeout TimeUnit timeoutUnit super corePoolSize maximumPoolSize.. super corePoolSize maximumPoolSize keepAliveTime unit workQueue this.timeout timeout this.timeoutUnit timeoutUnit public TimeoutThreadPoolExecutor.. long keepAliveTime TimeUnit unit BlockingQueue Runnable workQueue ThreadFactory threadFactory long timeout TimeUnit timeoutUnit..
How to implement PriorityBlockingQueue with ThreadPoolExecutor and custom tasks keepAliveTime TimeUnit unit PriorityBlockingQueue Runnable workQueue super corePoolSize maximumPoolSize keepAliveTime unit workQueue.. super corePoolSize maximumPoolSize keepAliveTime unit workQueue public XThreadPoolExecutor int corePoolSize int maximumPoolSize.. keepAliveTime TimeUnit unit PriorityBlockingQueue Runnable workQueue RejectedExecutionHandler handler super corePoolSize maximumPoolSize..