java Programming Glossary: wording
Java: Unresolved compilation problem all errors are fixed and run again. EDIT Most accurate wording is You are invoking code which has been generated by Eclipse...
Precision vs. accuracy of System.nanoTime() to address the possible confusion with the previous wording. Returns the current value of the running Java Virtual Machine's..
OS X 10.8 Gatekeeper and Java applets not allowed to run by default. If you'd like to see the wording of the alert changed please file a bug report at https I filed a bug report to Apple saying that I want the wording of the message to be changed not to contain words like UNIDENTIFIED..
How to get the insert ID in JDBC? for ages. PostgreSQL started to support it short ago. No wording about MSSQL as I've never used it. For Oracle you can invoke..
Assigning a generic List to a concrete ArrayList is causing a compile-time error a compile time error I'm struggling to find propper wording for my question which may be why I was unable to Google it but..
Cross-references and garbage collection is unreachable it is a candidate for collection. Note the wording Just because an object is a candidate for collection doesn ™t..
Why doesn't a missing annotation cause a ClassNotFoundException at runtime? instead of raising a NoClassDefFoundError. Even if the wording is a little bit vague I assume that the behaviour you are seeing..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus so I thought I'd share the solution. If there's some wording issue please correct me in a comment I'm trying to be as accurate..