java Programming Glossary: worklight
i want to call a java class from the worklight adapter want to call a java class from the worklight adapter i have followed this document module 5.5 in this url.. 5.5 in this url http developerworks mobile worklight getting started.html#authentication or ftp or ftp software mobile solutions worklight docs v505 Module_05_5_ _Using_Java_in_Adapters.pdf and did the..
ECMA TypeError calling Java class from Worklight adapter is Java 1.6. My Java classes all begin with com e.g. com.worklight.customcode . I've tried both calling public static methods using.. file function addTwoIntegers a b return result com.worklight.customcode.Calculator1.addTwoIntegers a b Java file unedited.. a b Java file unedited IBM Worklight sample package com.worklight.customcode import java.util.logging.Logger public class Calculator1..
i want to call a java class from the worklight adapter buildCommand buildCommand name name arguments arguments buildCommand buildCommand..
ECMA TypeError calling Java class from Worklight adapter TypeError calling Java class from Worklight adapter I've seen a number of questions about this issue but.. answers. I am having trouble calling a Java class from my Worklight adapter implementation. I replaced my code with the code from.. I replaced my code with the code from the IBM Worklight Java Adapter tutorial and it fails in the exact same way. Furthermore..