java Programming Glossary: wifimanager
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? @return boolean public boolean isWifiIp byte ipAddr try WifiManager mgr WifiManager mCxt.getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE int.. public boolean isWifiIp byte ipAddr try WifiManager mgr WifiManager mCxt.getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE int wifiIP mgr.getConnectionInfo..
Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin a BroadcastReceiver listening to the WiFi events using the WifiManager class. Registered the receiver. And finally popping a Toast.. JSONException IntentFilter wifiFilter new IntentFilter WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION cordova.getActivity .registerReceiver.. final String action intent.getAction if action.equals WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION if intent.getBooleanExtra..
How and what to set to Android WifiConfiguration.preSharedKey to connect to the WPA2 PSK WiFi network Access point that supports WPA2. Here is my code snippet. WifiManager wifi WifiManager getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE WifiConfiguration.. supports WPA2. Here is my code snippet. WifiManager wifi WifiManager getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE WifiConfiguration wc new.. of pain we already spent on it Special Thanks to Reflog WifiManager wifi WifiManager getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE WifiConfiguration..
Android 2.2 wifi hotspot API boolean enabled using reflection after getting the WifiManager use the reflection to get the WifiManager declared methods look.. getting the WifiManager use the reflection to get the WifiManager declared methods look for this method name setWifiApEnabled.. method name setWifiApEnabled and invoke it through the WifiManager object These API are marked as @hide so currently you cannot..
How to get the wifi network interface name in java Since you said that you are developing on Android use this WifiManager wifiManager WifiManager this.getSystemService WIFI_SERVICE WifiInfo.. are developing on Android use this WifiManager wifiManager WifiManager this.getSystemService WIFI_SERVICE WifiInfo wifiInfo wifiManager.getConnectionInfo..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity .getDeclaredMethods Get all declared methods in WifiManager class boolean methodFound false for Method method wmMethods..
https Session and posting problem smartApp private static synchronized void setMACIPAddress WifiManager wifiMan WifiManager tThis.getSystemService tThis.WIFI_SERVICE.. synchronized void setMACIPAddress WifiManager wifiMan WifiManager tThis.getSystemService tThis.WIFI_SERVICE WifiInfo wifiInf wifiMan.getConnectionInfo..
How to get my wifi hotspot ssid in my current android system wifi ssid share improve this question You can use WifiManager and WifiInfo for getting Wifi SSID WifiManager wifiManager WifiManager.. You can use WifiManager and WifiInfo for getting Wifi SSID WifiManager wifiManager WifiManager getSystemService WIFI_SERVICE WifiInfo.. and WifiInfo for getting Wifi SSID WifiManager wifiManager WifiManager getSystemService WIFI_SERVICE WifiInfo wifiInfo wifiManager.getConnectionInfo..