java Programming Glossary: window
JComponents not showing up with picture background? String password void logini throws IOException JFrame window new JFrame Login window.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE.. logini throws IOException JFrame window new JFrame Login window.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE window.setSize.. Login window.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE window.setSize 300 250 window.setResizable false window.setVisible..
Look and feel is not updating in Swing JTabbedPane new look and feel. I have already used this code Window windows Frame.getWindows for Window window windows SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI.. used this code Window windows Frame.getWindows for Window window windows SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI window java swing.. code Window windows Frame.getWindows for Window window windows SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI window java swing look..
Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component frame panel component I'm trying to create a translucent window with Java on OSX and add a JLabel to it. This JLabel changes..
Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code infrastructure such as a menu bar persisting of window state and status bar. With this template you can also generate..
Running Jar file in Windows file. For running a JAR file I am using a command line window and executing the following command java jar helloworld.jar.. the JAR file. But instead of doing it in a command line window I want to execute the JAR file if I double click on the JAR.. the dialogs are closed. Which was stolen from here http 2005 10 setting jar file association.html..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 the bean data in subsequent requests in the same tab window can better be marked @ViewScoped because this way the bean won't.. when the enduser opens the same page in different tabs windows. Component libraries Note that I don't take any 3rd party componant..
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main? while reporting progress and intermediate results in a window. You can pass whatever parameters you need in a suitable SwingWorker..
Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows JFileChooser on top of all windows I seem to have a problem with my very simple implementation.. the parent is null then the dialog depends on no visible window and it's placed in a look and feel dependent position such as..
How to best position Swing GUIs should appear at the default location for the native windowing system or at the current location returned by getLocation.. Window is made visible. This behavior resembles a native window shown without programmatically setting its location. Most windowing.. shown without programmatically setting its location. Most windowing systems cascade windows if their locations are not explicitly..
How to handle events from keyboard and mouse in full screen exclusive mode in java? screen exclusive mode using a timer to update graphics in window import java.applet.Applet import java.awt.Color import java.awt.DisplayMode..
Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList<List> - Java .add textLabel BorderLayout.CENTER Display the window. frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.pack frame.setVisible.. null frame.pack frame.setVisible true I have a window that get's created with JFrame and JLable however I would like.. the static text be dynamic instead of loading a new spring window. I would like it to flash a word disappear flash a word disappear...
Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords? is a security concern but even using char only reduces the window of opportunity for an attacker and it's only for this specific..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] static String TAG DataBaseHelper Tag just for the LogCat window destination path location of our database on device private..
Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window JRE Version 1.7 Update 3 EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR As I run the program..
Most simple code to populate JTable from ResultSet supplier id DefaultTableModel dtm new DefaultTableModel Window gui new Window My JPanel class try res statement.executeQuery.. DefaultTableModel dtm new DefaultTableModel Window gui new Window My JPanel class try res statement.executeQuery testResultSet..
Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption in this case you should still pack the enclosing Window . f.pack f.setSize 300 200 For convenience add forwards the..
Resizing issue with canvas within jscrollpane within jsplitpane calculate their own preferred size and pack the enclosing Window to accommodate. The example below adds an instance of draw.GraphPanel..
Look and feel is not updating in Swing JTabbedPane with the new look and feel. I have already used this code Window windows Frame.getWindows for Window window windows SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI.. I have already used this code Window windows Frame.getWindows for Window window windows SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI.. already used this code Window windows Frame.getWindows for Window window windows SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI window ..
How to programmatically close a JFrame would cause it to behave. I.e. supposing I were to extend WindowAdaptor and then add an instance of my adaptor as a listener.. then add an instance of my adaptor as a listener via addWindowListener I would like to see the same sequence of calls through.. from following camickr's link. Basically I need to throw a WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING at the application's event queue. Here's..
Eclipse WindowBuilder, overlapping JPanels WindowBuilder overlapping JPanels I'm attempting to overlap JPanel.. in it. How would I do this Keep in mind it's using the Window Builder tool. java swing overlay layout manager windowbuilder..
Create a autocompleting textbox in Java with a dropdown list class called AutoSuggestor which accepts a JTextField its Window an ArrayList String of words to check typed words against a.. import java.awt.GridLayout import java.awt.Window import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.KeyEvent.. import javax.swing.JTextField import javax.swing.JWindow import javax.swing.KeyStroke import javax.swing.SwingUtilities..
Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners this addKeyListener this setFocusable true requestFocusInWindow a lot of code more and more and more With the initial code.. listener MvcView interface import java.awt.Window import javax.swing.Action public interface MvcView void setVisible.. String getTextAreaText void setTextAreaText String text Window getTopWindow ShowTextView class import java.awt.BorderLayout..
Java - How to change context root of a dynamic web project in eclipse Project Settings . 2 Change Context root to app . 3 Choose Window Show View Servers. 4 Stop the server by either clicking the..
Eclipse: Attach source/javadoc to a library via a local property a text file e.g. instead of going through Window Preferences General Workspace Linked Resources java eclipse..
Remove Top-Level Container on Runtime of Swing NightMares import java.awt. import java.awt.event.WindowEvent import java.util.logging.Level import java.util.logging.Logger.. Runnable @Override public void run while runProcess Window wins Window.getWindows for int i 0 i wins.length i if wins.. @Override public void run while runProcess Window wins Window.getWindows for int i 0 i wins.length i if wins i instanceof..
How to best position Swing GUIs the real GUI to appear Since Java 1.5 we've had access to Window.setLocationByPlatform boolean . which.. Sets whether this Window.. boolean . which.. Sets whether this Window should appear at the default location for the native windowing.. current location returned by getLocation the next time the Window is made visible. This behavior resembles a native window shown..
Adding JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout represents the idea of how I got it actually public class Window1 extends JPanel implements ActionListener static CardLayout.. static CardLayout cardLayout new CardLayout public Window1 init private void init JPanel jp new JPanel new BorderLayout.. init JPanel jp new JPanel new BorderLayout JPanel jp2 new Window2 JPanel jp3 new Window3 JLabel textLabel new JLabel Window1..
Why does Eclipse complain about @Override on interface methods? source compatibility is set to 1.6 or greater. Open the Window Preferences dialog and browse to Java Compiler. There you can..