java Programming Glossary: width
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image I know the aspect ratio formula original height original width x new width new height However I do not know how to use that.. aspect ratio formula original height original width x new width new height However I do not know how to use that correctly to.. about the negative number the java docs say If either width or height is a negative number then a value is substituted to..
Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class imageDimension add imagePanel setSize imageDimension.width imageDimension.height setResizable false setDefaultCloseOperation.. image getGrayscaleImageFromArray byteArray imageDimension.width imageDimension.height imageLabel.setIcon new ImageIcon image.. private Image getGrayscaleImageFromArray byte buffer int width int height ColorSpace cs ColorSpace.getInstance ColorSpace.CS_GRAY..
Java Bouncing Ball parent this.parent parent @Override public void run int width getParent .getWidth int height getParent .getHeight Randomize.. for Ball ball getParent .getBalls int x random width int y random height Dimension size ball.getSize if x size.width.. y random height Dimension size ball.getSize if x size.width width x width size.width if y size.height height y height..
JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared private Digit digit private Image image private int width height public JDigit Digit digit this.digit digit this.image.. h this.getHeight g.setColor this.getBackground int dx1 w width height 4 int dx2 w dx1 g.fillRect dx1 0 dx2 dx1 h g.drawImage.. dx1 0 dx2 dx1 h g.drawImage image dx1 0 dx2 h 0 0 width height null private Image getImage Digit digit BufferedImage..
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main? to pane pane.add progressBar Position controls X Y width height progressBar.setBounds 10 10 280 20 Make frame visible..
Swing GroupLayout: Resizing and limiting component sizes is working just fine. I want to limit the maximum width of the labels which are just instances of JLabel to 1 3 of the.. labels which are just instances of JLabel to 1 3 of the width of the parent JFrame . If the JFrame was a fixed size this would.. and setPreferredSize new Dimension Math.min l.getSize .width maxW l.getMaximumSize .height groupLayout.invalidateLayout..
Image resizing and displaying in a JPanel or a JLabel without loss of quality public class ImgUtils public BufferedImage scaleImage int WIDTH int HEIGHT String filename BufferedImage bi null try ImageIcon.. new ImageIcon filename path to image bi new BufferedImage WIDTH HEIGHT BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D.. g2d.drawImage ii.getImage 0 0 WIDTH HEIGHT null catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null..
Multiple bouncing balls thread issue static final int HEIGHT 500 private static final int WIDTH 500 private static final Color COLOR Color.WHITE public void.. void draw Graphics g g.setColor COLOR g.fillRect 0 0 WIDTH HEIGHT java multithreading listener share improve this question.. static final int HEIGHT 500 private static final int WIDTH 500 private static final Color COLOR Color.WHITE public void..
Java: Good way to encapsulate Integer.parseInt()
Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing? extends JFrame private static final int WIDTH 600 private static final int HEIGHT 400 int xs 3 int ys xs int.. windowClosing WindowEvent e System.exit 0 frame.setSize WIDTH HEIGHT frame.pack frame.setVisible true public DemosDoubleBuffering.. buffering final JLabel jl new JLabel bi1 new BufferedImage WIDTH HEIGHT BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB final Thread t new Thread..
dragging a jlabel around the screen extends JLayeredPane public static final int WIDTH 680 public static final int HEIGHT 480 private static final.. static final Dimension LAYERED_PANE_SIZE new Dimension WIDTH HEIGHT private static final Dimension LABEL_SIZE new Dimension..
Passing current Date Color.YELLOW private int xIncr yIncr static final int WIDTH 500 HEIGHT 500 Star Point location int x location.x int y location.y.. color public void move if location.x 0 location.x WIDTH xIncr xIncr if location.y 0 location.y WIDTH yIncr yIncr.. location.x WIDTH xIncr xIncr if location.y 0 location.y WIDTH yIncr yIncr translate xIncr yIncr location.setLocation location.x..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container Color.YELLOW private int xIncr yIncr static final int WIDTH 600 HEIGHT 600 Star Point location int x location.x int y location.y..
iText Image Resize 826 1100 System.out.println watermark_image.getScaledWidth System.out.println watermark_image.getScaledHeight PdfContentByte.. Here is the output for the getScaled methods. 826.0 Width 1091.4742 Height I would share the picture of the pdf with you..
Quality of Image after resize very low — Java resizeImage String sourceImg String destImg Integer Width Integer Height Integer whiteSpaceAmount BufferedImage origImage.. origImage.getType int fHeight Height int fWidth Width int whiteSpace Height whiteSpaceAmount Formatting all.. origImage.getType int fHeight Height int fWidth Width int whiteSpace Height whiteSpaceAmount Formatting all to squares..
Media Information Extractor for Java short width info.get MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video i Width MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name int audioBitrate..
Java code To convert byte to Hexadecimal width conversion Flag '0' The result will be zero padded Width 2 Conversion 'X' The result is formatted as a hexadecimal integer..
Collision Detection between two images in Java Create two classes public class Player int X int Y int Width int Height Getters and Setters public class Enemy int X int.. Getters and Setters public class Enemy int X int Y int Width int Height Getters and Setters Your Player should have X Y Width.. int Height Getters and Setters Your Player should have X Y Width and Height variables. Your enemies should as well. In your game..
access denied ( connect,resolve) applet id applet code SomeCode.class archive lib.jar Width 1 Height 1 applet The Java Applet has a method that looks similar..
Stroke Width Transform (SWT) implementation (Java, C#…) Width Transform SWT implementation Java C#&hellip I recently discovered.. paper Detecting Text in Natural Scenes with Stroke Width Transform . Boris Epshtein Yonathan Wexler and Eyal Ofek. IEEE.. this question My friend Andrew and I implemented Stoke Width Transform SWT on a mobile phone during a class project at Cornell...
Embed .swf file to my Jframe this player @param y Y position for this player @param w Width of the player @param h Height of the player @param mainWindow.. x int y try FlashPlayer clone new FlashPlayer x y this.getWidth this.getHeight mainWindow clone.setTitleBarVisible this.isTitleBarRemoved..
Word Wrap in JButtons apply to any component that will render HTML. import javax.swing. class FixedWidthText public static.. HTML. import javax.swing. class FixedWidthText public static void showLabel int width String units String.. 'background color white width String content2 ' h1 Fixed Width h1 p Body width fixed at String content3 using CSS. Java's..
How to get Latitude and Longitude infromation from picture ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH n builder.append Image Width getExifTag exif ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH n n builder.append..
Drawing rectangle on a JPanel h 4.0f wi 2.0f hi 2.0f g2.setClip e System.out.println Width wi Height hi g2.setClip r System.out.println g2.getClipBounds..
Java JTable setting Column Width JTable setting Column Width I have a JTable in which I set the column size as follows table.setAutoResizeMode.. table.getColumnModel .getColumn 0 .setPreferredWidth 27 table.getColumnModel .getColumn 1 .setPreferredWidth 120.. 27 table.getColumnModel .getColumn 1 .setPreferredWidth 120 table.getColumnModel .getColumn 2 .setPreferredWidth 100..