java Programming Glossary: window.setvisible
JButtons inside JPanels with a GridLayout JFrame JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE window.pack window.setVisible true And this is what I have N 4 http nbQoM.png..
Translucent JPopupMenu inside a Translucent Window - alternative? 500 window.setBounds 600 600 200 200 frame.setVisible true window.setVisible true java swing awt translucency share improve this question.. in count seconds... count if count 0 timer.stop window.setVisible false window.dispose private void createAndDisplayGUI final.. window.setLocation x window.getWidth y window.getHeight window.setVisible true count 5 timer new Timer 1000 timerAction timer.start..
JComponents not showing up with picture background? window.setSize 300 250 window.setResizable false window.setVisible true JPanel mainp new JPanel new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints..
How to remove window box from any java gui
Java Keylistener without window being open? new Label This is the Frame. window.setSize 300 200 window.setVisible true window.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void..