

java Programming Glossary: widen

Varargs in method overloading in Java


or Box but you cannot do both unless you are boxing and widening to Object An int to Integer Boxing and then Integer to Object.. when Boxing Widening and Var args are combined Primitive widening uses the smallest method argument possible Wrapper type cannot.. smallest method argument possible Wrapper type cannot be widened to another Wrapper type You can Box from int to Integer and..

SCJP: can't widen and then box, but you can box and then widen


can't widen and then box but you can box and then widen I'm studying for.. can't widen and then box but you can box and then widen I'm studying for the SCJP exam and I ran into an issue I can't.. can't really wrap my head around. The book says you can't widen and then box but you can box and then widen. The example for..