

java Programming Glossary: trainee

Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue


22 Codesnippets Business Object 1 @Entity @Table name ta_trainee uniqueConstraints @UniqueConstraint columnNames id public class.. nullable true private String surname @OneToMany mappedBy trainee fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL @Column nullable.. true private Set BodyStat bodyStats @OneToMany mappedBy trainee fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL @Column nullable..

Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue


@UniqueConstraint columnNames id public class Trainee extends BusinessObject @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.TABLE.. true private Set ExerciseType exerciseTypes public Trainee super ... getters setters ... Business Object 2 import javax.persistence... CascadeType.ALL @JoinColumn name trainee_fk private Trainee trainee Controller import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory..