java Programming Glossary: totaltime
Project Euler #3 takes forever in Java public static void main String args long start end totalTime long num 600851475143L long pFactor 0 start System.currentTimeMillis.. i if num i 0 pFactor i end System.currentTimeMillis totalTime end start System.out.println pFactor Time totalTime static boolean.. totalTime end start System.out.println pFactor Time totalTime static boolean isPrime long n for int i 2 i n i if n i 0 return..
java compiler optimization loop below by extracting the Double average new Double totalTime callCount out of the for loop public double computeSD Set values.. loop public double computeSD Set values int callCount long totalTime double diffs 0.0d for Iterator i values.iterator i.hasNext double.. value Double .doubleValue Double average new Double totalTime callCount diffs value average.doubleValue value average.doubleValue..
A better way to run code for a period of time make the task measure its own execution time as below int totalTime 50000 in nanoseconds long startTime System.getNanoTime boolean..
How to rotate JXImagePanel? private RotatableImageComponent comp private long totalTime startTime private double toRotate startRotation private int.. RotatableImageComponent comp double toRotate long totalTime int interval super interval new myAction this.comp comp this.totalTime.. interval super interval new myAction this.comp comp this.totalTime totalTime this.toRotate toRotate this.startRotation comp.getAngle..