java Programming Glossary: tough
Java's >> versus >>> Operator? I'm without my Java reference book and I'm having a tough time finding an answer with Google. What is the difference between..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? this question Sebastian What you are asking is a pretty tough question. While you may think it is just one question you are..
Why is the maximum size of the Java heap fixed? that you pass it it will fail to start. This is why it's tough to allocate 1.4GB heaps on 32 bit Windows because it's hard..
Correctly multithreaded quicksort or mergesort algo in Java? code and I'm by no mean an expert in concurrency . So even tough the complexity stays O n log n I'd really appreciate a x7 or..
Problems with loading resources during execution library depending on the system. I realize that it is a tough challenge however switching to Swing or anything else isn't..
How do CDI and EJB compare? interact? do CDI and EJB compare interact I'm having a tough time understanding how the two interact and where the boundary..
How to lock compiled Java classes to prevent decompilation? they just do renaming of classes methods and fields with tough to remember character sequences but what about sensitive constant..
Fastest XML parser for small, simple documents in Java more efficient implementation keeping in mind I have very tough CPU and memory constraints Edit 1 Keep in mind that my documents..
GetAsyncKeyState and VirtualKeys/special characters using JNA (JAVA) following code I can detect ALL physical keys but have a tough time with virtual keys. SHIFT is detected. 2 is detected. However..
Java Large Files Disk IO Performance read 1 byte less using threads. i could not spot the error tough. comparing just with two streams I was equal even after 3684070360..