java Programming Glossary: touch
Custom List Field click event one unit of movement return amount protected boolean touchEvent net.rim.device.api.ui.TouchEvent event We take action when.. TouchEvent.UNCLICK eventCode TouchEvent.DOWN Get the touch location within this Manager int x event.getX 1 int y event.getY.. Let event propagate to star button field return super.touchEvent event else if eventCode TouchEvent.UNCLICK A completed..
Lightweight Java IDE [closed] the MBP around... So I'm usually coding Java 6 with a touch of AspectJ on Eclipse can compile with ant deploy to Tomcat..
Migrations for Java
alternative to memcached that can persist to disk it's fast since reads and writes are in memory and don't touch the disk it's just a key value store since that's all my app..
Create a autocompleting textbox in Java with a dropdown list
Spring vs EJB. Can Spring replace EJB? separation of concerns that benefit any problem they touch even if you decide to switch to Guice or another DI framework...
Java Instance Variables vs Local Variables really brittle code that seems to fall apart whenever you touch it. These practices I showed contributed directly to the code..
open source image processing lib in java If you want to discuss your needs in more detail I can touch on the specific attributes of each library as it relates to..
Difference of Maven JAXB plugins Finally I'm one of the authors and I'd say we keep in touch with JAXB developers and users and react to the latests features..
exception in initializer error need from me edit it seems to all be code which I cannot touch. I should probly add that this started with netbeans adding..
Android long-touch event long touch event I have two buttons that increment and decrement a value.. that an onLongClickListener exists which I assume is for touch and hold events. How would I have the number rapidly increment..
What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why? access layer. Obviously there's a good chance that I'll touch the data access layer in the development of that system but..
Is toString() only useful for debugging? that representation for example to 3 2j you only need to touch the toString method in the Complex class. So toString is not..
Tomcat and Eclipse Zero Turnaround Deployment a redeploy in Tomcat If not can I configure Eclipse to touch the web.xml file whenever I save a source file in that project..
Understand the R class in Android but from what I gather it looks like it's taking input the touch screen being touched on the button and valuating the argument... it looks like it's taking input the touch screen being touched on the button and valuating the argument. Then the case statement..
jFormattedTextField's Formatter.setCommitsOnValidEdit(true) doesn't work at first focus example here EDIT I know this issue from my 1st touch of JFormattedTextField here comings example that isn't works..
Is MVC in Swing Thread Safe MVC in Swing Thread Safe I'm trying to touch limits of MVC architecture in Swing but as I tried everything..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger hear them. Thanks for any help in advance. java android touch interpolation curve fitting share improve this question ..