java Programming Glossary: tostring
Swing animation running extremely slow Point point new Point private JLabel position new JLabel toString point JLabel.CENTER private int blocks private JLabel odometer.. reset private void update position.setText CabPanel.this.toString point odometer.setText df.format blocks map.repaint private.. df.format blocks map.repaint private String toString Point p StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder sb.append Math.abs..
StringBuilder vs String concatenation in toString() in Java vs String concatenation in toString in Java Given the 2 toString implementations below which is.. vs String concatenation in toString in Java Given the 2 toString implementations below which is prefered public String toString.. implementations below which is prefered public String toString return a a b b c c or public String toString StringBuilder sb..
Converting JSON to Java List Data groups this.groups groups public String toString return String.format title s id d children s groups s title..
Places where JavaBeans are used? .hashCode id.hashCode super.hashCode public String toString return String.format User id d name s birthdate d id name birthdate..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? condition or assert condition object where object 's toString output will be included in the error. An assert statement throws..
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields SELECTMANY CHECKONE CHECKMANY @Override public String toString return We need to do this check because if it is..
How can you search Google Programmatically Java API responseData this.responseData responseData public String toString return ResponseData responseData static class ResponseData private.. List Result results this.results results public String toString return Results results static class Result private String url.. void setTitle String title this.title title public String toString return Result url url title title See also How to fire and..
JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared .put KeyStroke.getKeyStroke KeyEvent.VK_0 d.value 0 d.toString getInputMap .put KeyStroke.getKeyStroke KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0.. KeyStroke.getKeyStroke KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0 d.value 0 d.toString getActionMap .put d.toString select popup.add item public.. d.value 0 d.toString getActionMap .put d.toString select popup.add item public Digit getDigit return digit public..
Implementing back/forward buttons in Swing this.add new JLabel name @Override public String toString return name public static void main String args EventQueue.invokeLater.. p new CardPanel Panel String.valueOf i cards.add p p.toString JPanel control new JPanel control.add new JButton new AbstractAction..
Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java? without if one could write @Override public String toString return super.super.toString I'm not sure if it is useful in.. write @Override public String toString return super.super.toString I'm not sure if it is useful in many cases but I wonder why..
how to change UI depending on combo box selection this.add new JLabel name @Override public String toString return name public static void main String args EventQueue.invokeLater.. Panel String.valueOf i combo.addItem p cards.add p p.toString JPanel control new JPanel combo.addActionListener new ActionListener.. cards.getLayout cards jcb.getSelectedItem .toString control.add combo f.add cards BorderLayout.CENTER f.add control..
Java - get pixel array from image System.nanoTime System.out.println String.format 2d s i 1 toString endTime startTime System.out.println System.out.println Testing.. System.nanoTime System.out.println String.format 2d s i 1 toString endTime startTime private static int convertTo2DUsingGetRGB.. width col 0 row return result private static String toString long nanoSecs int minutes int nanoSecs 60000000000.0 int seconds..
How to print object content in correct way? How to print these objects in a correct way java object tostring share improve this question Override the method toString..
Java : how to convert int array to String with toString method the characters a comma followed by a space . java arrays tostring share improve this question What you want is the Arrays.toString..
Stacktrace to string in Java to a string that depicts the stacktrace java stack trace tostring share improve this question One can use the following method..
When is it desired to not implement toString() in Java? should you and when shouldn't you implement toString java tostring share improve this question What harm do they do Why remove..
What are the original reasons for ToString() in Java and .NET? sure but that's quite a different story right java .net tostring share improve this question It was initially added to Object..
when to use toString() method on google but could not find any good resource. java tostring share improve this question In most languages toString or..
Auto-generating toString Method Name s Age d Height f name age height java automation tostring share improve this question Eclipse 3.5.2 and possibly earlier..
java: what is this: [Ljava.lang.Object;? What is this type of encoding called java arrays class tostring share improve this question Ljava.lang.Object is the name..
Is toString() only useful for debugging? stuff are there other uses I'm not aware of c# java tostring share improve this question toString is useful whenever..
Dumping a java object's properties that I can't modify. java reflection properties dump tostring share improve this question You could try XStream . XStream..
Why does the toString method in java not seem to work? out of this but want to know why this is happening. java tostring char array share improve this question To get a human readable..
Get Command Prompt Output to String In Java from the output Input to HandBrakeCLI Output to scan java tostring command prompt outputstream share improve this question ..
Java: How to get the unique ID of an object which overrides hashCode()? how can I get it's unique number java memory hashcode tostring share improve this question System.identityHashCode will..
What are the original reasons for ToString() in Java and .NET? are the original reasons for ToString in Java and .NET I've used ToString modestly in the past and.. original reasons for ToString in Java and .NET I've used ToString modestly in the past and I've found it very useful in many circumstances... it was necessary or at least extremely useful to include a ToString method that would be implemented by everything in the .NET framework...
C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#)
What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation? [duplicate] this.numberOfSpots heightInFeet 72 public override string ToString return Height heightInFeet feet Number of Spots numberOfSpots.. it is encapsulated within the class and exposed via the ToString method. Abstraction is using extension points to let the choice.. from i in someCollectionOfInts where i 5 select i.ToString foreach string item in itemsLessThanFive Console.WriteLine item..
Dumping a java object's properties in Firebug. I'm aware of the commons lang ReflectionToStringBuilder but it does not recurse into an object. I.e. if I run.. into an object. I.e. if I run the following public class ToString public static void main String args System.out.println ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString.. static void main String args System.out.println ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString new Outer ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE private..
How can I extend Java code generated by JAXB, CXF or Hibernate tools? to extend the generated code For example to override the ToString method for logging to implement the visitor pattern for data..