

java Programming Glossary: tolerance

Image/Graphic into a Shape


BufferedImage image Color color boolean include int tolerance Area area new Area for int x 0 x image.getWidth x for int y.. image.getRGB x y if include if isIncluded color pixel tolerance Rectangle r new Rectangle x y 1 1 area.add new Area r else.. 1 1 area.add new Area r else if isIncluded color pixel tolerance Rectangle r new Rectangle x y 1 1 area.add new Area r ..

Smoothing a jagged path


labelOutline private JLabel targetColor private JSlider tolerance private JProgressBar progress private SwingWorker sw public.. c updateImages originalImage.add originalLabel tolerance new JSlider JSlider.HORIZONTAL 0 255 104 tolerance.addChangeListener.. tolerance new JSlider JSlider.HORIZONTAL 0 255 104 tolerance.addChangeListener new ChangeListener public void stateChanged..

Logarithm of a BigDecimal


int sp1 scale 1 BigDecimal n x BigDecimal term Convergence tolerance 5 10^ scale 1 BigDecimal tolerance BigDecimal.valueOf 5 .movePointLeft.. term Convergence tolerance 5 10^ scale 1 BigDecimal tolerance BigDecimal.valueOf 5 .movePointLeft sp1 Loop until the approximations.. converge two successive approximations are within the tolerance . do e^x BigDecimal eToX exp x sp1 e^x n e^x term eToX.subtract..