

java Programming Glossary: todate

How to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays?


upcomingBirthday Context ctx String fromDate String toDate int rows Uri dataUri ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI String.. fromDate toDate substr ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Event.START_DATE 6 List..

Date Comparison using Java [duplicate]


Compare dates in Java 7 answers I have two dates toDate user input in MM dd yyyy format currentDate obtained by new.. by new Date I need to compare the currentDate with toDate . I have to display a report only when the toDate is equal to.. with toDate . I have to display a report only when the toDate is equal to or more than currentDate . How can I do that java..

Sign CSR using Bouncy Castle


val fromDate java.util.Date new java.util.Date FixMe val toDate fromDate FixMe val issuer PrincipalUtil.getIssuerX509Principal.. new X500Name issuer.getName serial.bigInteger fromDate toDate csr.getSubject pk I have trouble figuring out get from a certificate..

Compare date's date part only with Timestamp in Hibernate


fromDate DateHelper.getDateWithoutTime fromTimestamp Date toDate DateHelper.getDateWithoutTime DateHelper.getTomorrowDate toTimestamp.. fromDate criteria.add Restrictions.le TIMESTAMP_FIELD toDate DateHelper.java public static Date getDateWithoutTime Date date..