

java Programming Glossary: toast.length_long

How to implement a button that gets all checkbox's state and adds the value of checked item into arraylist?


2 Toast.makeText context error you checked more than 2 Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show element.setSelected false else element.setSelected..

How do I output the location using gps on Android


tst Toast.makeText this Your current location is str Toast.LENGTH_LONG tst.show catch Exception e Toast tst Toast.makeText this Please..

How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask?


Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection Succesful Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection Failed.. Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection Failed status Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show I'm reworking my code to use AsyncTasks to perform the.. Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection Succesful Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show savesite.setVisibility 0 else Toast.makeText SiteManager.this..

How can I implement a ListView without ListActivity? (use only Activity)


Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


result null Toast.makeText context Download error result Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText context File downloaded Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. DownloadExample.this R.string.file_downloaded Toast.LENGTH_LONG mProgressDialog.dismiss break case Groundy.STATUS_ERROR .. resultData.getString Groundy.KEY_ERROR Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show mProgressDialog.dismiss break A GroundyTask implementation..

AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done?


onReceiveIntent sb Toast.makeText context sb.toString Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this..

How to know whether I am in a call on Android?


Idle i.e no call Toast.makeText context Phone state Idle Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK when.. service here Toast.makeText context Phone state Off hook Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING when..

Android - Start service on boot


void onDestroy Toast.makeText this My Service Stopped Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d TAG onDestroy @Override public void onStart Intent.. intents Toast.makeText this My Service Started Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d TAG onStart hello.java This will pop up everytime..