

java Programming Glossary: toast

Receiving SMS on Android App


SMS on my application and read it to pass the SMSbody to Toast. that is the Receiver class. public class SmsReciever extends.. byte pdus i str msgs i .getMessageBody Toast.makeText context str Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show the manifest.. i str msgs i .getMessageBody Toast.makeText context str Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show the manifest file receiver android name..

Internet listener Android example


android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE Use Toast instead of Log to Show your Connectivity Message on Screen...

How one interface can be used for different background android tasks?


2 Load activity 6 else if ServiceBoolean 3 display Toast or Alert Box or load Activity number 8 Now in above code MainClass.this..

How do I output the location using gps on Android


Address ad lstAdd.get 0 String str ad.getAddressLine 0 Toast tst Toast.makeText this Your current location is str Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. ad lstAdd.get 0 String str ad.getAddressLine 0 Toast tst Toast.makeText this Your current location is str Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. tst Toast.makeText this Your current location is str Toast.LENGTH_LONG tst.show catch Exception e Toast tst Toast.makeText..

Take screensot and save android


Whoops your device doesn't support the crop action Toast toast Toast.makeText MainActivity.this errorMessage Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. your device doesn't support the crop action Toast toast Toast.makeText MainActivity.this errorMessage Toast.LENGTH_SHORT toast.show.. Toast toast Toast.makeText MainActivity.this errorMessage Toast.LENGTH_SHORT toast.show @Override protected void onActivityResult..

Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin


class. Registered the receiver. And finally popping a Toast when WiFi is enabled disabled and sending the result using CallbackContext.. WifiManager.EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED false Toast.makeText cordova.getActivity Wifi Connected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. false Toast.makeText cordova.getActivity Wifi Connected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show callbackContext.sendPluginResult new PluginResult..

How to do method chaining in Java? o.m1().m2().m3().m4()


that after a method we call another here is an example. Toast.makeText text .setGravity Gravity.TOP 0 0 .setView layout .show.. makeText String text this.text text would become public Toast makeText String text this.text text return this share improve..

Using global exception handling with “setUncaughtExceptionHandler” and “Toast”


with &ldquo setUncaughtExceptionHandler&rdquo and &ldquo Toast&rdquo I am trying to create a simple exception handler which.. to handle any unhandled exception and display a Toast on the exception. Unfortunately that doesn't work. public class.. public void uncaughtException Thread thread Throwable ex Toast.makeText TicTacToe.this TOAST Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show setContentView..

Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC


xXx new GsmCellLocation CID xXx.getCid LAC xXx.getLac Toast output Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Base station LAC.. GsmCellLocation CID xXx.getCid LAC xXx.getLac Toast output Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Base station LAC is LAC n Base.. Base station LAC is LAC n Base station CID is CID Toast.LENGTH_SHORT output.show But in this case I receive 1 value..

How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android?


public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff Toast.makeText this Delayed Toast Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Then 5.. 5000 private void doStuff Toast.makeText this Delayed Toast Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Then 5 seconds after the activity.. private void doStuff Toast.makeText this Delayed Toast Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Then 5 seconds after the activity is created..

Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem


String jsonText convertStreamToString instream Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Response jsonText Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Response jsonText Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch MalformedURLException e Toast.makeText.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch MalformedURLException e Toast.makeText getApplicationContext ERROR Malformed URL e.getMessage..

Android - Unable to get the gps location on the emulator


true Location loc locmgr.getLastKnownLocation provider Toast msg Toast.makeText this Lon Double.toString loc.getLongitude.. loc locmgr.getLastKnownLocation provider Toast msg Toast.makeText this Lon Double.toString loc.getLongitude Lat Double.toString.. loc.getLongitude Lat Double.toString loc.getLatitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT msg.show i've added the following line at the..

Android post picture to Facebook wall


params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Toast.makeText FacebookPoster.this getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray.. getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data .length Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras.. null params POST new SampleUploadListener null The Toast shows 8733 which means the byte array isn't empty NB. Logcat..

How to know whether I am in a call on Android?


TAG PhoneStateChanged Context context Context to make Toast if required public CustomPhoneStateListener Context context.. TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE when Idle i.e no call Toast.makeText context Phone state Idle Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break.. Idle i.e no call Toast.makeText context Phone state Idle Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK..

Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver


I have a headset w single button and want to do a simple Toast when the button is pressed. Right now I have the following code.. if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast.. do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast And my main activity is the..

ListView - getView is called too much times


TODO Auto generated method stub View row convertView Toast toast Toast.makeText this.context getView position 1000 toast.show.. generated method stub View row convertView Toast toast Toast.makeText this.context getView position 1000 toast.show String..

PopUp dialog Android from background thread


use the standard notification system don't use a dialog or toast to notify them. A dialog or toast would immediately take focus.. don't use a dialog or toast to notify them. A dialog or toast would immediately take focus and interrupt the user taking focus..

Take screensot and save android


Whoops your device doesn't support the crop action Toast toast Toast.makeText MainActivity.this errorMessage Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. MainActivity.this errorMessage Toast.LENGTH_SHORT toast.show @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


23dp RelativeLayout When you click the button a toast message with list of item choosen is displayed. You can modify..

Why do threads spontaneously awake from wait()?


calling notify. Further the authors state this is like a toaster with a loose connection that makes the bell go off when the.. a loose connection that makes the bell go off when the toast is ready but also sometimes when it is not ready. This is why..

Using global exception handling with “setUncaughtExceptionHandler” and “Toast”


However pressing the button doesn't cause the global toast handler to show. Instead the button stays orange pressed and.. happens. Needless to say if I comment out i 5 0 I see the toast that says that a button was pressed. Two questions 1 Why isn't.. that a button was pressed. Two questions 1 Why isn't the toast showing in the UncaughtExceptionHandler body How do cause it..

How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android?


5 seconds after the activity is created you will see the toast created in doStuff . If you're writing a custom View it's even..

Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem


Android - Calling a method in one activity from another, without starting new activity


tabs. All I'm trying to achieve at the minute is showing a toast message when the refresh button is pressed on the ActionBar.. refresh button is pressed on the ActionBar but I want the toast message to be called from within one of my activities we'll.. button is pressed if I can get it working with a simple toast message for now then I can sort out that later. I've looked..

How to get data from each dynamically created EditText in Android


the case No user input data is shown when i view it in a toast .. Heres the code EditText ed for int i 0 i count i ed new..

Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate]


intent Send email... I am not getting any toast message. Thanks. java android android intent attachment share..

Android App , Check for latest app version


in apps menu when someone click it it will display a toast message progress dialog for checking the apps version. if new..

how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents


parent View view int position long id When clicked show a toast with the TextView text Toast.makeText getApplicationContext..

ListView - getView is called too much times


TODO Auto generated method stub View row convertView Toast toast Toast.makeText this.context getView position 1000 toast.show.. toast Toast.makeText this.context getView position 1000 toast.show String pos Integer.toString position if usedPositions.contains..