java Programming Glossary: tm
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 7 with 64 bit Java 6 I get java version 1.6.0_27 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_27 b07 Java HotSpot TM 64.. TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_27 b07 Java HotSpot TM 64 Bit Server VM build 20.2 b06 mixed mode Check that this is..
Java OutOfMemoryError strange behaviour the mercy of the JVM with this. Tested with Java HotSpot TM 64 Bit Server VM build 23.3 b01 mixed mode on OS X. Bytecode..
Java user.home is being set to %userprofile% and not being resolved Note user.home listing properties Java TM SE Runtime Environment sun.boot.library.path C Program Files.. http path.separator Java HotSpot TM Client VM file.encoding.pkg US
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project # # JRE version 6.0_17 b04 # Java VM Java HotSpot TM Client VM 14.3 b01 mixed mode windows x86 # An error report..
Java VM: reproducable SIGSEGV on both 1.6.0_17 and 1.6.0_18, how to report? bin PATH ... java version java version 1.6.0_17 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_17 b04 Java HotSpot TM Server.. TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_17 b04 Java HotSpot TM Server VM build 14.3 b01 mixed mode Launch the app feed it a.. # # JRE version 6.0_17 b04 # Java VM Java HotSpot TM Server VM 14.3 b01 mixed mode linux x86 # Problematic frame..
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file? javac 1.5.0_18 java version java version 1.5.0_18 Java TM 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition build 1.5.0_18 b02 Java.. Standard Edition build 1.5.0_18 b02 Java HotSpot TM Server VM build 1.5.0_18 b02 mixed mode and check in Eclipse..
What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it? on various aspects of the class as described in the Java TM Object Serialization Specification. However it is strongly recommended..
Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application the permissions they require here Permissions in the Java TM 6 SDK . Use a custom ClassLoader to load the untrusted code...
for loop optimization It doesn't optimize for me. java version 1.6.0_22 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_22 b04 Java HotSpot TM Client.. TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_22 b04 Java HotSpot TM Client VM build 17.1 b03 mixed mode sharing So if you need to..
Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result? will be 1 UPDATE Java version java version 1.6.0_22 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_22 b04 Dynamic Code Evolution..
How do I detect which kind of JRE is installed — 32bit vs. 64bit 1.6.0_05 mixed mode Java HotSpot TM 64 Bit Server VM Java Virtual Machine..
Max amount of memory per java process in windows? SP2 SUN JVM C java version java version 1.6.0_02 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_02 b06 Java HotSpot TM Client.. TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_02 b06 Java HotSpot TM Client VM build 1.6.0_02 b06 mixed mode java Xms1470m Xmx1470m.. C c ibm jdk bin java.exe version java version 1.5.0 Java TM 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition build pwi32devifx 20070323..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? data. I tried getting the data of the image this way Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.qrcode.. I tried getting the data of the image this way Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.qrcode.. getting the data of the image this way Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.qrcode ByteArrayOutputStream..
Java: How do I get a platform-independent new line character? in Calendar c ... String s String.format Duke's Birthday 1 tm 1 te 1 tY n c Note n at end of line ^^ String s2 String.format..
Convert Word doc to HTML programmatically in Java will take input an word document and the output will be html file s based on the number of pages the word document has i.e... if the word document has 3 pages then there will be 3 html files generated having the required page break. I searched.. open source non commercial APIs which can convert doc to html but for no result. Anybody who have done this type of job before..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS UnrecoverableKeyException super truststore TrustManager tm new X509TrustManager public void checkClientTrusted X509Certificate.. return null sslContext.init null new TrustManager tm null @Override public Socket createSocket Socket socket String..
HTTP headers encoding/decoding in Java MIME I believe . Here is my question what is the right way tm of dealing with custom header values that need to support a..
GC overhead limit exceeded jvm share improve this question From Java SE 6 HotSpot tm Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning the following Excessive..
Using Apache httpclient for https UPDATE I tried the following System.out.println TMF No tmf.getTrustManagers .length System.out.println Class is tmf.getTrustManagers.. tmf.getTrustManagers .length System.out.println Class is tmf.getTrustManagers 0 .getClass .getName I thought that I should.. sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS TrustManagerFactory tmf TrustManagerFactory.getInstance TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm..
Green Threads vs Non Green Threads JVM for Linux as of the release of version 1.3 see Java tm Technology on the Linux Platform . That dates back to 2000...
Implementation of X-modem protocol in Java argv.length 2 usage if argv 0 .charAt 0 ' ' usage TModem tm new TModem tm.setStandalone true boolean OK false switch argv.. 2 usage if argv 0 .charAt 0 ' ' usage TModem tm new TModem tm.setStandalone true boolean OK false switch argv 0 .charAt 1.. true boolean OK false switch argv 0 .charAt 1 case 'r' OK tm.receive argv 1 break case 's' OK tm.send argv 1 break default..
Is there a cookbook guide for GC problems? Oracle Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java tm Virtual Machine and this also Java SE 6 HotSpot tm Virtual Machine.. Java tm Virtual Machine and this also Java SE 6 HotSpot tm Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning IBM Fine Tuning Garbage..
JPanel repaint issue extends JPanel implements ActionListener private Timer tm private int yco private Simulation sim public Display Simulation.. yco private Simulation sim public Display Simulation sim tm new Timer 100 this tm.start yco 0 this.sim sim @Override public.. sim public Display Simulation sim tm new Timer 100 this tm.start yco 0 this.sim sim @Override public void paintComponent..
How do I detect which kind of JRE is installed — 32bit vs. 64bit GNU libgcj Java tm Virtual Machine Specification java.vm.specification.vendor Sun..
Https Connection Android SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS TrustManager tm new TrustManager new FullX509TrustManager context.init null.. TrustManager new FullX509TrustManager context.init null tm new SecureRandom FACTORY context.getSocketFactory catch Exception..