java Programming Glossary: termination
Java executors: wait for task termination. executors wait for task termination. I need to submit a number of task and then wait for them until.. new with executors and I don't know how to wait for task termination. This is something like a pseudocode of what my program needs.. true do something for ... start task wait for all task termination for each String in result start task wait for all task termination..
Why does changing the returned variable in a finally block not change the return value? that execution of a return statement counts as an abrupt termination of the try block the section starting If execution of the try..
How to stop threads in Java? that will suck CPU. Don't just use sleep that will delay termination. That allows all threads to terminate cleanly releasing resources..
What is a stack overflow error? when your recursive functions doesn't have the correct termination condition so it ends up calling itself for ever. However with..
Handling exceptions from Java ExecutorService tasks computational exceptions and so they do not cause abrupt termination and the internal exceptions are not passed to this method. When..
How to escape the equals sign in properties files character other than a line terminator. All of these key termination characters may be included in the key by escaping them with..
Difference in System. exit(0) , System.exit(-1), System.exit(1 ) in java generated by calling exit n 128 255 are codes generated by termination due to different unix signals like SIGSEGV or SIGTERM but I..
Is an “infinite” iterator bad design? that the iterator was initialised with i.e. there is a termination condition . Do you think this is a legitimate use of Iterator..
What is null in Java? containing the contents of the line not including any line termination characters or null if the end of the stream has been reached... null process line One can design the API so that the termination condition doesn't depend on readLine returning null but one..
Reading streams from java Runtime.exec I get the processExitCode as 0 which indicates normal termination but there is nothing in the input and error streams nothing..
IDE-Style program running done. 3. Use shutdown hooks instead Don't disallow the termination of the JVM but instead add shutdown hooks that cleans up the..
Java tool/method to force-kill a child process child's source code I cannot program it to better handle termination requests. I have tried closing the child process' error input..
Properly closing SSLSocket read even in C the notion of EOF comes from an end of file termination but you're not actually dealing with files. The problem with..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer whether it is called in case of abnormal or anticipated termination of the play . EDIT There is a NullPointerException so there..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? phone works really slow and I guess it is due to thread termination failure. Does anyone know what is the best way to terminate..
Quickly read the last line of a text file? you were before read the next 2K checking for a line termination. Then skip to exactly the right place in the stream create an..
How do I close a port in a case of program termination? do I close a port in a case of program termination I am using Socket communication in one of my Java applications.As.. applications.As I know if the program meets any abnormal termination the listening ports does not get closed and the program cannot..