java Programming Glossary: testframe
Spurious calls to setValueAt with JTables in Java 7 on OS X Lion? static void main String args JFrame frame new JFrame TestFrame final JTable table new JTable new SpyModel table.getSelectionModel..
Is there a better practice for Listeners? member variables methods that are part of the class TestFrame in this case I would go for the outer class. In the example.. private static void createAndShowGUI final TestFrame frame frame new TestFrame frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE.. void createAndShowGUI final TestFrame frame frame new TestFrame frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.setBounds..
Listen to JFrame resize events as the user drags their mouse? is the what I have currently tried public final class TestFrame extends JFrame public TestFrame this.addComponentListener new.. tried public final class TestFrame extends JFrame public TestFrame this.addComponentListener new ComponentAdapter public void..
How to get the top card in Java's CardLayout the frame that contains your JPanel with CardLayout. class TestFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener public TestFrame cards.. TestFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener public TestFrame cards new JPanel new CardLayout card_list new JPanel 5 for..