java Programming Glossary: st
How can I determine the IP of my router/gateway in Java? java sockets internet ip router share improve this question Java doesn't make this as pleasant as other languages unfortunately... I did import import java.util. public class ExecTest public static void main String args throws IOException Process.. import java.util. public class ExecTest public static void main String args throws IOException Process result..
Read CSV file column by column java java.util.StringTokenizer public class ParseCSV public static void main String args try csv file containing data String.. main String args try csv file containing data String strFile C Users rsaluja CMS_Evaluation Drupal_12_08_27.csv create.. file BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader strFile String strLine StringTokenizer st null int lineNumber..
Convert String to KeyEvents myBot abcd public void writeKeyboard Robot bot String st char arr arr.toCharArray int i arr.length int j 0 int keycode.. keycode j java awtrobot share improve this question I'm basically using a glorified switch statement. Simple.. this question I'm basically using a glorified switch statement. Simple and fast import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent...
String parsing in Java with delimeter tab “\t” using split I parse it using the split function and it works in most situations. The problem occurs when some field is missing so.. The problem occurs when some field is missing so instead of getting null in that field I get next value. I was store.. of getting null in that field I get next value. I was store parsed values in a string array. String columnDetail new..
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure to talk to my Java programs. What do I need to get started Having already read through and been thoroughly confused.. not happen often with some other turorials I figured I'd best ask here. How do I import a jar file from the local directory.. dirty sample program using the JDBC I'm getting a rather stupendous error Exception in thread main com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] the JPA @Lob annotation and hibernate 3.1 can read these just fine on all major databases it seems to hide the JDBC Blob vendor.. 3.5 breaks and won't fix this annotation combination in postgresql with no workaround . I have not found a clear fix so far.. not found a clear fix so far but I did notice that if I just remove the @Lob it uses the postgresql type bytea which works..
How do you format the day of the month to say “11th”, “21st” or “23rd” in Java? the day of the month to say &ldquo 11th&rdquo &ldquo 21st&rdquo or &ldquo 23rd&rdquo in Java I know this will give me.. d But how do you format the day of the month to say 11th 21st or 23rd in Java java date simpledateformat ordinal share.. java date simpledateformat ordinal share improve this question http p guava libraries import static
Is it possible to “add” to classpath dynamically in java? in java java classpath .. classes .. jar . parserTester How can i get the functionality in the above command programmatically.. Like is it possible to run as java parserTester and get the same result I tried using URLClassLoader but it.. How is it possible to get the jar into the classpath first I tried using a custom classloader too That works.. But sorry..
Storing MATLAB structs in Java objects MATLAB structs in Java objects I'm using Java HashMap in MATLAB h java.util.HashMap.. using Java HashMap in MATLAB h java.util.HashMap And while strings arrays and matrices works seemlessly with it h.put 5 'test'.. arrays and matrices works seemlessly with it h.put 5 'test' h.put 7 magic 4 Structs do not h java.util.HashMap st.val 7..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? a game and though I try to code for readability first I like to keep in the back of my mind a picture of what is happening.. I'm trying to do the same for Java Android. Hence this question. I could find very little about this topic on the web. Will.. public final methods Methods on objects of other classes static methods What if the runtime type of the object can easily..
Getting a ConcurrentModificationException thrown when removing an element from a java.util.List during list iteration? thrown when removing an element from a java.util.List during list iteration @Test public void testListCur List String.. when removing an element from a java.util.List during list iteration @Test public void testListCur List String li new.. an element from a java.util.List during list iteration @Test public void testListCur List String li new ArrayList String..
How to print 2D Array from .txt file in Java java.util.StringTokenizer public class csvimport5 public static void main String args throws IOException double data new.. line bufRdr.readLine null row data.length StringTokenizer st new StringTokenizer line while st.hasMoreTokens get next token.. StringTokenizer st new StringTokenizer line while st.hasMoreTokens get next token and store it in the array data..
Performance of StringTokenizer class vs. split method in Java vs. split method in Java In my software I need to split string into words. I currently have more than 19 000 000 documents.. 000 documents with more than 30 words each. What is the best way to do this in term of performance StringTokenizer sTokenize.. splitS.length i java performance share improve this question If your data already in a database you need to parse the..
How to connect java to Ms Access 2010? Class.forName sun.jdbc.JdbcOdbcDriver File f new File System.getProperty user.dir con DriverManager.getConnection jdbc.. Acess Driver .mdb .accdb DBQ f.getPath db JavaAccess.accd st con. createStatement ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.. catch SQLException e e.printStackTrace con and st are already defined java jdbc odbc share improve this question..
How can I use Drag-and-Drop in Swing to get file path? it place the file path of that file into the JTextField instead of always having using the JFileChooser. How can this be.. be done java swing drag and drop share improve this question First you should look into Swing DragDrop support . After.. swing drag and drop share improve this question First you should look into Swing DragDrop support . After that there..
Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? Set String flavors new HashSet String add vanilla add strawberry add chocolate add butter pecan This idiom creates an.. pecan This idiom creates an anonymous inner class with just an instance initializer in it which can use any ... methods.. This idiom creates an anonymous inner class with just an instance initializer in it which can use any ... methods in the containing..
Mutual-authentication with web services
Using Apache httpclient for https adding as trusted cert Subject CN Me OU MyHouse O Home L X ST X C BB Issuer CN Me OU MyHouse O Home L X ST X C BB Algorithm.. O Home L X ST X C BB Issuer CN Me OU MyHouse O Home L X ST X C BB Algorithm RSA Serial number 0x4d72356b Valid from Sat.. Sat Mar 05 15 06 51 EET 2011 until Fri Jun 03 16 06 51 EEST 2011 My certificate is displayed and is added to truststore..
Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format genkeypair alias foo dname 'CN L Melbourne ST Victoria C AU' Enter keystore password Re enter new password.. 0x49c03ae5 Signature Algorithm dsaWithSHA1 Issuer C AU ST Victoria L Melbourne CN Validity Not Before.. 2009 GMT Not After Jun 16 00 05 57 2009 GMT Subject C AU ST Victoria L Melbourne CN Subject Public Key Info..
Java: Why does SSL handshake give 'Could not generate DH keypair' exception? 6697 CONNECTED 00000003 depth 0 C GB ST England L London O EsperNet OU CN 18 self signed certificate verify return 1 depth 0 C GB ST England L London O EsperNet OU CN verify return 1 Certificate chain 0 s C GB ST England L London O EsperNet OU CN
SSL socket php code needs to be converted to Java pass fp stream_socket_client 'ssl serverURL' err errstr 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT ctx if fp print Failed to connect err errstr.. cert cert.pem key privkey.pem it should show depth 0 C AU ST Some State O Internet Widgits Pty Ltd verify error num 18 self.. 18 self signed certificate verify return 1 depth 0 C AU ST Some State O Internet Widgits Pty Ltd verify return 1 Hello..
android get duration from directions can someone give a little sample code to help me thanks StringBuilder urlString new StringBuilder urlString.append http.. a little sample code to help me thanks StringBuilder urlString new StringBuilder urlString.append http sample code to help me thanks StringBuilder urlString new StringBuilder urlString.append http maps f d hl..
Jackson error: no suitable constructor OfferContainer Database db super db @Override public String toString return this.getID offer.toString public String.. Database db super db @Override public String toString return this.getID offer.toString public String getDescription.. public String toString return this.getID offer.toString public String getDescription return offer.description public..
parse google geocode with xstream google geocode with xstream I'm using Java and XStream to parse a google geocode request over http. My idea is.. 8 kml xmlns http kml 2.0 Response name 98 St. Patrick St Toronto name Status code 200 code request geocode.. http kml 2.0 Response name 98 St. Patrick St Toronto name Status code 200 code request geocode request Status..