java Programming Glossary: ssn
How can I insert element into xml after/before certain element in java primary true primary address addressList CustomerId SSN 561381 SSN phone homePhone 123123123 homePhone officePhone .. true primary address addressList CustomerId SSN 561381 SSN phone homePhone 123123123 homePhone officePhone homePhone 21319414.. address addressList newNode value newNode CustomerId SSN 561381 SSN phone homePhone 123123123 homePhone officePhone homePhone..
What does @AttributeOverride mean? LAST_NAME @AttributeOverride name ssn column @Column name SSN private EmbeddedEmployeePK pk ... The EmbeddedEmployeePK class..
Spring validation, how to have PropertyEditor generate specific error message For example Person's social security number is a custom SSN type. public class Person public String getName ... public void.. getName ... public void setName String name ... public SSN getSocialSecurtyNumber ... public void setSocialSecurtyNumber.. ... public void setSocialSecurtyNumber SSN ssn ... and wrapping Person in a Spring form edit command public..
Any implementation of Map<K1, K2, V>, i.e. two keys? two keys I need a map that has two keys e.g. Map2 String ssn String empId Employee _employees So that I can _employees.put.. empId Employee _employees So that I can _employees.put e.ssn e.empId e And later _employees.get1 someSsn _employees.get2.. key i.e. empId Employee . All other unique attributes e.g. ssn would be treated as secondary and will use separate Map s as..
DAO and Service layers (JPA/Hibernate + Spring) customers information class PersonDao findPersonBySSN long ssn some other system where we store pets class PetDao findPetsByAreaCode..
What does @AttributeOverride mean? column @Column name LAST_NAME @AttributeOverride name ssn column @Column name SSN private EmbeddedEmployeePK pk ... The.. class that defines a pair of @Columns lastName and ssn. Oh and I lifted this example from O'Reilly's Enterprise JavaBeans..
Spring validation, how to have PropertyEditor generate specific error message ... public void setSocialSecurtyNumber SSN ssn ... and wrapping Person in a Spring form edit command public.. req binder binder.registerCustomEditor SSN.class person.ssn new SsnEditor and SsnEditor is just a custom java.beans.PropertyEditor.. initialized with new first. For instance spring bind path ssn.firstNestedField ... spring bind If you truly want to persist..