java Programming Glossary: stage
Any simple (and up to date) Java frameworks for embedding movies within a Swing Application? javafx.scene. import import javafx.stage.Stage public class VideoPlayerExample extends Application public.. launch args @Override public void start final Stage stage throws Exception final MediaPlayer oracleVid new MediaPlayer.. otndocs products javafx oow2010 2.flv stage.setScene new Scene new Group new MediaView oracleVid 540 208..
How can I compile and deploy a java class at runtime? native Java Byte Code. I have figured out the parsing stage and more or less the Java code generation phase. I would now..
Java - Storing SQL statements in an external file be stored retrieved New statements can be added at a later stage the application is flexible enough to pick them up and execute..
Netty vs Apache MINA hard at the differences between them and quickly get to a stage where you can test any tricky functionality is working as expected...
JavaFx tableview sort is really slow how to improve sort speed as in java swing import javafx.scene.text.Font import javafx.stage.Stage import javafx.util.Callback import java.util.Arrays import.. String args launch args @Override public void start Stage stage Scene scene new Scene new Group stage.setTitle Table View Sample.. void start Stage stage Scene scene new Scene new Group stage.setTitle Table View Sample stage.setWidth 550 stage.setHeight..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] a Java Web Framework now closed we are in the planning stage of migrating a large website which is built on a custom developed..
Run Java class file from PHP script on a website this out on the webpage so that the user can see what stage the Java program is in its execution. How can this be done and..
Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages to apply quite powerful optimisations during the compile stage And here are the advantages of interpreted languages Easier.. good compilers is very hard No need to run a compilation stage can execute code directly on the fly Can be more convenient.. machine instructions can then be compiled again at a later stage to get native code e.g. as done by the Java JVM JIT compiler..
Java Swing button colors new look and feel. All is well till now. Now my next stage is to add colors to buttons when some database status changes...
How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup? use an ELResolver to trigger the initialization at this stage because the ELResolver needs a FacesContext and the FacesContext.. use an ELResolver to trigger the initialization at this stage because the ELResolver needs a FacesContext and the FacesContext..
Taking contact list from hotmail gmail yahoo in java? [closed] specification looks promising but this is at a very early stage. Anyway I wouldn't Portable Contacts to solve your problem and..
Java - converting from OutputStream to InputStream converting from OutputStream to InputStream I am on the stage of development where I have two modules and from one I got output..
Java graphics - Stages of a game method how would you give the game different stages Which is best for performance The two ways I can think of doing.. and timers. A different panel would be used for each stage of the game level etc . Keep everything in one panel or frame.. says if gameover and then paint the graphics for this stage of the game. Or are there other better ways of doing this java..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? if you look closer Warning dom4j 2.0 is in pre alpha stage. It is likely it can't be compiled. In case it can be compiled..
Highlighting Strings in JavaFX TextArea Application.launch args @Override public void start Stage stage final TextArea text new TextArea Here is some textz to highlight.. @Override public void handle MouseEvent t t.consume stage.setScene new Scene text Platform.runLater new Runnable.. MouseEvent t t.consume stage.setScene new Scene text Platform.runLater new Runnable @Override public void run..
Javafx 2.0 How-to Application.getParameters() in a file App.class args @Override public void start Stage primaryStage throws Exception output arguments in console System.out.println.. App.class args @Override public void start Stage primaryStage throws Exception output arguments in console System.out.println.. final Scene scene new javafx.scene.Scene root primaryStage.setScene scene simplified..
Any simple (and up to date) Java frameworks for embedding movies within a Swing Application? import import javafx.stage.Stage public class VideoPlayerExample extends Application public static.. Exception launch args @Override public void start final Stage stage throws Exception final MediaPlayer oracleVid new MediaPlayer..
How to draw a clock with JavaFX 2? . Place your Group in a Scene and add the Scene to a Stage. Play your timeline. I created a sample app implementing the..
Combo-box key value pair in JavaFX 2 new Employee Nurbek 900.5 @Override public void start Stage primaryStage ComboBox Employee combobox new ComboBox data combobox.getSelectionModel.. Nurbek 900.5 @Override public void start Stage primaryStage ComboBox Employee combobox new ComboBox data combobox.getSelectionModel.. root new StackPane root.getChildren .add combobox primaryStage.setScene new Scene root 300 250 public static..
Compiling and running with JavaFX 2.1 import javafx.scene.control.Label import javafx.stage.Stage public class HelloWorld extends Application public static void.. main String args launch args @Override public void start Stage stage stage.setScene new Scene new Label Hello World
JavaFX 2.1 MessageBox example of a Modal Confirm dialog. It works by creating a Stage containing a Scene with the dialog contents in it and then calling.. want the main processing thread to pause whilst the new Stage is shown and you are using JavaFX 2.2 then you can call showAndWait.. are using JavaFX 2.2 then you can call showAndWait on the Stage rather than show. Modified to use show and wait and just display..
JavaFX 2 - Catching all runtime exceptions in the main and also in the start Stage primaryStage method. It ain't working. I also tried public static.. in the main and also in the start Stage primaryStage method. It ain't working. I also tried public static void main..
Center location of stage child stage to center of parent stage private void show Stage parentStage mystage.initOwner parentStage mystage.initModality.. to center of parent stage private void show Stage parentStage mystage.initOwner parentStage mystage.initModality Modality.WINDOW_MODAL.. void show Stage parentStage mystage.initOwner parentStage mystage.initModality Modality.WINDOW_MODAL mystage.centerOnScreen..
Usage of JavaFX Platform.runLater and access to UI from a different thread reads data from a network socket . Now when I create a new Stage inside the thread the system throws an execption JavaFX event..
JavaFX: How to change the focus traversal policy? officialy anyway . Sample implementation public void start Stage stage throws Exception final VBox vb new VBox final Button button1..
javafx webview not supporting Ajax web features import javafx.scene.web.WebView import javafx.stage.Stage public class WebViewAjax extends Application public static void.. main String args launch args @Override public void start Stage stage WebView webView new WebView webView.getEngine .load http..
JavaFx tableview sort is really slow how to improve sort speed as in java swing import javafx.scene.text.Font import javafx.stage.Stage import javafx.util.Callback import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Collections.. main String args launch args @Override public void start Stage stage Scene scene new Scene new Group stage.setTitle Table View..
JAVAFX / WebView / WebEngine FireBugLite or Some other debugger? import javafx.scene.web.WebView import javafx.stage.Stage import org.w3c.dom.Document public class WebViewWithDebugger.. main String args launch args @Override public void start Stage primaryStage final WebView webView new WebView final WebEngine.. args launch args @Override public void start Stage primaryStage final WebView webView new WebView final WebEngine engine webView.getEngine..
Highlighting Strings in JavaFX TextArea args Application.launch args @Override public void start Stage stage final TextArea text new TextArea Here is some textz to..