java Programming Glossary: standardized
Are there some good and modern alternatives to Javadoc? know if there some plans to evolve Javadoc in a somehow standardized way EDIT A useful link to Sun' wiki on this topic . java documentation..
what are the $1 in class file? name of the files holding anonymous inner classes is not standardized and might vary. But in practice I've yet to see any other scheme..
Converting Integers to Roman Numerals - Java numeral in this range. The function toString will return a standardized Roman numeral representation of the number. The function toInt..
Java f) reference file within JAR? that file you've got two possible solutions Provide some standardized way to access the file or Make the application able to address..
Creating field with reserved word name with JPA column `Item #` ... class In JPA 2.0 the syntax is standardized and becomes @Column name open References Hibernate reference..
Does Java have support for multicore processors/parallel processing? concurrent programming . This package includes a few small standardized extensible frameworks as well as some classes that provide useful.. of the main components. Executors Executor is a simple standardized interface for defining custom thread like subsystems including..
Why maven ? What are the benefits? them and I'm very glad to get them transitively to have a standardized naming scheme for them. Managing all this manually by hand would..
Hibernate saving User model to Postgres name when using reserved keywords. In JPA 1.0 there is no standardized way and the Hibernate specific solution is to use backticks.. @Table name `User` public class User ... In JPA 2.0 the standardized syntax looks like this @Entity @Table name User public class..
Java EE Architecture - Are DAO's still recommended when using an ORM like JPA 2? the DAO pattern when using JPA JPA already provides a standardized implementation of the Domain Store pattern and there isn't much..
Embedding Java Applet into .html file browsers is surprisingly hard. The tags weren't properly standardized in the early days so Internet Explorer and Mozilla went separate..
Transaction rollback and web services real functionality method. What I am asking for is some standardized way to do so. java web services transactions ejb rollback .. effort and have them driven automatically. It's not standardized but well worth checking out if you choose this approach http..
Integrated Windows Authentication (NTLM) in a Java/WebLogic app? available Please assume for this question that we are standardized on Internet Explorer browser. java weblogic windows authentication..
JSF vs Facelets vs JSP java jsp jsf share improve this question JSF is a standardized Java framework for web UIs based on an MVC pattern JSPs are..
Java Reflection: Getting fields and methods in declaration order Java reflection Is the order of class fields and methods standardized Are there any better options i.e. not having to specify the..
Is there a library to convert Java POJOs to and from JSON and XML? libraries as well such as XStream for example but JAXB is standardized . For JSON I don't know anything but if you want to implement..
User authenticate in SOAP - How to? look like in SOAP but WS Security defines what kind of standardized tokens you can use during client server exchange Username password..
What's the difference between JPA and Hibernate? provider . For example If you think a feature should be standardized you should speak up and request it from your JPA provider This..