java Programming Glossary: specialized
How to choose the id generation strategy when using hibernate Some applications can choose to provide their own specialized implementations however Hibernate provides a range of built.. with a primary key association. sequence identity a specialized sequence generation strategy that utilizes a database sequence..
Does proguard work to obfuscate static string constants? string constants as mentioned in its FAQ . Its more recent specialized closed source sibling for Android DexGuard provides additional..
How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client? a certificate alias when invoking web services Then the specialized SSLSocketFactory needs to be inserted into the WebService context..
How to get names of classes inside a jar file? .length classNames.add className.toString Option b Using specialized reflections libraries I haven't personally used the Reflections..
Rest clients for Java? [closed] Using HTTPConnection and manual parsing of the result Or specialized clients for e.g. Jersey or Apache CXR java rest client share..
Java Interfaces/Implementation naming convention [duplicate] Interface and a single Implementation that is not uniquely specialized from the Interface you probably don't need the Interface . ..
Java noob: generics over objects only? need the performance Trove has many data structures specialized for primitive types but for most practical purposes using boxed..
What is the difference between Collection and List in Java? this question First off a List is a Collection . It is a specialized Collection however. A Collection is just that a collection of.. defined because there is no defined order. There are other specialized Collections as well for example a Set which adds the feature..
Design Patterns web based applications should implement the Front Controller pattern which is a specialized kind of Mediator pattern . It should consist of only a single..
How to find a Java Memory Leak used jProfiler with great success but I believe that any specialized tool with graphing capabilities diffs are easier to analyze..
How to Launch Home Screen Programmatically in Android is to show all of apps to user when he she presses a specialized key. Actually the way is not important. Any idea to do this..
Polymorphism - Overloading/Overriding To answer your questions It's the ability to select more specialized methods in runtime depending on the object being used to call.. on the other hand is just re defining a method on a specialized inherited class. Overriding a method is necessary for polymorphism..
Get term frequencies in Lucene step might be additional processing to create an even more specialized file structure that leaves out the SkipData . Personally I would..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? you rarely write LayoutManagers except for simple highly specialized environments If the answer to 4 is yes won't this lead to a..
Difference between a static and a final static variable in Java have to add some synchronization mechanism or use some specialized class for this purpose but that is another question actually..
What is the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type? only expect the superclass will still be able to process specialized subclasses. Basically the component type is mandatory for JSF..
Reflections library not working when used in an Eclipse plug-in urlTypes or addDefaultURLTypes UrlType urlType with your specialized UrlType. So I believe implementing a UrlType for OSGi e.g. class..
What are the benefits of the Iterator interface in Java? up with traversal methods in particular any highly specialized methods. You can hand out Iterators to however many clients..